Monday, October 21, 2024
The Tale of Two Faces.
The Mis-Educated Than His Ancestors, the METHA, does not give his children a religion. This is what happens to his children: Look at the disparate facial expressions in the image associated with this essay. One is of utter admiration and reverence reserved for Elders, while the other is a nasty oleaginous grab-on to a young man's Olympic Medal. One is...
Elmina, Seaview in 1959 Photo from the National Archives
A Conversation. Narmer: The Ancestors have always known, and this is what their theories show, that Prostitution which is a means for survival was an exploitative, invasive, demeaning work that the poorest women in society felt pressured to do. Modern society wants these women, the poorest amongst us, to believe that it is not exploitative, but empowering. And they have stories...
The Alchemical Texts of Ancient Egypt are often misunderstood to literally mean the transmutation, through very harsh processes, of base metals into gold. For example the transmutation of lead into gold. Since this has been physically impossible to acheive, Alchemy has remained a mythological subject in the eyes of those who cared to look.However, if one can suspend the...
THEN This photo, looking north, and taken in 1972, shows the west side of 1227 Bancroft Way. Kamala Harris can be seen at the front center, along with her grandfather, P.V. Gopalan, her mother Shyamala Gopalan, her grandmother Rajam Gopalan, and her sister, Maya.
The United States former president and presidential candidate, Donald Trump, recently called out the current United States Vice President and presidential candidate, Kamala Harris, on her claims of Blackness. What resulted was a heated debate that should concern anyone who wants to maintain a sense of sanity on race and Blackness. There are some people who think that Donald Trump...
Image: I present to you their Guy! A non-linear, non-conventional Anti-Black war General.
This man (image attached) claimed that in Dahomey, for instance, the King had 3,300 wives. The theory furthered another more insidious claim: that the King often killed some of his wives and decorated the walls of his palace with their skulls. Now, I know what you are thinking, but there's worse. Based on this type of "ethnographic studies of West...
Ghana vs. Nigeria.
We all know, and possibly even love, the game of football. It provides ample lessons, not the least of which is its propensity to serve as a metaphor for life. To this end, we can consider two forms of football: rules-based football and laws-based football. The latter, laws-based, is the...

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Do You Need God? Yes, You Do!

Civilization as a matter of conviction. A farm house in Togo, West Africa.
The Question: Has atheism ever been the foundational block of any civilization? Can atheism manifest a human civilization? Of course. I make no mistake about it. It is a no-conviction philosophy. Every group of people need, first and foremost, a firm conviction about who they...

The Tiny Ant May Start a Forest Fire: France’s Little Macron wants Nuclear War.

Tiny Ant, Little Macron, Wants a Forest Fire, Nuclear War with Russia. Is he bluffing?
NATO’s proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine is fast dwindling down to a straightforward humiliation of the west, i.e. The United States, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and their tiny coterie of Slave-States in the Pacific. They are set to swallow a load of...

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European woman teaching an African man how to shoot and kill other Africans... A mercenary under training. You've been invaded!
You've Been Invaded. Europe & European-America Foreign Policy: All Predatory, Nothing Friendly. A retired European-American intelligence analyst recently described the United States of America as a land conquered by Europeans. The Americas were not conquered by Europeans. Far from it. The correct history here is that the United States of...
Image. A town, somewhere in Ghana, some time ago.
The METHA Has Lost His Grounding. FROM NTOABOMA, I visited one of my favorite towns right outside Accra, Ghana. They have no courthouses there. Not anymore! Just 60 years ago in the same town, the traditional people who lived here, had six courthouses—each one headed by each of the five...

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South Africa's Genocide Presentation Against Israel at the UN Court: Overwhelming and Devastating.

Can South Africa Make the UN Court Stop Israel’s Genocide?

Of all crimes known to man, genocide is the biggest perpetration, a transgression of immense scale and severity. Genocide encompasses extreme violence against a...

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Image: A women's parade somewhere in Anlo-Ghana.

The METHA—And Skin-Deep Tradition.

All over West Africa the Mis-Educated Than His Ancestors, the Metha, is struggling to come to terms with the responsibilities that his Culture and...


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