Thursday, April 25, 2024
An expert in the cultivation and distribution of rice.
The More-Educated Than His Ancestors, the METHA, in West Africa study nothing. Worse, they study nothing about themselves, let alone the cultures they were required by tradition to maintain and carry forward. The current hullabaloo about feminism and the role of women in African culture remain, almost always, devoid of the proper knowledge of African Traditional Systems and Institutions. The...
Civilization as a matter of conviction. A farm house in Togo, West Africa.
The Question: Has atheism ever been the foundational block of any civilization? Can atheism manifest a human civilization? Of course. I make no mistake about it. It is a no-conviction philosophy. Every group of people need, first and foremost, a firm conviction about who they are and what they intend to become, i.e. if they wish to work collectively towards...
Tiny Ant, Little Macron, Wants a Forest Fire, Nuclear War with Russia. Is he bluffing?
NATO’s proxy war against Russia in the Ukraine is fast dwindling down to a straightforward humiliation of the west, i.e. The United States, Western Europe, Canada, Australia and their tiny coterie of Slave-States in the Pacific. They are set to swallow a load of defeat. This will not be the first time the Russians have climbed out of an assault...
Young ladies of Koumbadiouma braid each other's hair. Kolda, Senegal.
In the aim of defeating an enemy, the opponent makes ready for war. There is, of course, the kinetic war of combat that transpires, the physical bout between militaries. The economic war might occur simultaneously in attempts to cripple adversaries financially—perhaps through sanctions or trade disruptions. The propaganda war informs the public of the preferred story lines despite the...
A traditional procession.
The More-Educated Than His Ancestors, the Metha, has occupied leadership posts and he leads his nations into what can only be properly described as the bottom. The bottom of everything. You name it. The Metha is an outspoken neoliberal Christian, not because he chose to become one. That religion was spoon-fed to him in a colonial missionary boarding school paid...
Image: Taking Action. Gaining a sense of urgency and agency involves an embrace of your genetic makeup! But alas, for the Metha this point is mute.
Everywhere else, doers or those who commit to doing real things, like moving mountains, have figured out that Genetic or Ancestral or Historical Orientation, is at the least, an integral component of any decision-making. Yet, the More-Educated Than His Ancestors, the Metha, has been colonially indoctrinated to find his own...

Grandmother Latest Articles

The Horror of a METHA Civilization.

Image: The Metha has put his own men to work for his colonial terrorists in ways that ultimately destroy the very environment in which this Metha lives. The Metha is a Kamikaze intellectual, designed to destroy everything about African civilizations and to also self-destruct upon impact on African lands and people.
Education is the system for civilizing individuals from childhood, and by which a civilization is achieved and maintained. It is only through constant education that a child is trained to grow up and behave like a civilized being. No one is born civilized. The...

The METHA & The Myth of Ghana’s Exceptional Kente.

Image: Young Women in Kente at a Puberty Rites Ceremony, Ghana.
The Mis-Educated Than His Ancestors, the METHA, has a very strong affinity for claiming to have done everything cultural, or traditional, all by himself. If not by himself then he knows who did it by name and by calling and he also knows exactly...

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South Africa Lawyers at the ICJ.
The Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”) on the 11th of January, 2024, launched and delivered its application against the State of Israel (“Israel”) at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in which the Africans delivered an "exceptional, overwhelming, and devastating" argument that Israeli forces have and are engaging...
TB Yoshua
They’ve found a Black story, with a Black man, to distract from their sexual decadence and to prolong their intoxication in the belief in their infallibility! They have reached up, to the top of the shelves, and they have fetched for themselves the age-old catharsis of their Anti-Blackness to...

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