African Christianity: Num 12:1, 1 Kings 10:13, Acts 8:26-27.

Common Myths about Christianity:

Myth 1: Christianity is an European religion.
Fact: Christianity began in the Middle East and was stronger in Africa before it was brought to Europe for the first thousand years.

Myth 2: Christianity is a white religion.
Fact: By 2050, whites will make up less than 1/5 of all Christians. In fact, at this moment, Catholics of African descent constitute the largest religious tradition of people of African descent in the world.

Christianity will find its center in the next 15-20 years not in North America or Europe, but in Latin America and Africa. [This certainly was one of the reasons why the Lausanne Conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa last year.] Christianity became predominantly European not because this continent had any affinity for the faith, but by default – because it was the only continent that wasn’t destroyed.

African Apostolic Witness

Simon of Cyrene (Libya) – Mark 15:21
Africans at Pentecost: Acts 2:8-11
Ethiopian Eunuch: Acts 8:27; Psalm 68:31
Apostle Mark (Barnabas’ cousin) (10-68 AD)
Peter’s disciple, Barnabas’ cousin, born in Cyrene (Libya). He migrated to Paletsine because of persecution. After Jesus’ ascension, he turned to Africa in early 40s and was first bishop of Africa and established the first church, The Coptic Orthodox Church. Martyred there in 68 AD. Coptic Church is alive and well today.
Aksum Empire: current-day Ethiopia – one of the first Christian empires becoming Christian in 320s under King Ezana and the first empire to mind coins with a Christian symbolism (a cross).


Why have so many teachers and leaders neglected Africa’s key role in the formation and development of Christianity?
What are the ramifications of the fact that Africans were key players in the formation and development of Christianity?
What implications does the fact that Africa and Latin American will be the center of Christianity by 2050 (some suggest it will be earlier than that) have on the North American church?
Christianity finds its roots in Africa – not Europe or North America.


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