It would be great if we could only just nicely ask the more powerful blocs not to manipulate us and our continent and to please leave us in peace if they choose not to help us. But it does not work like that. So as Africans, we need to get talking in order to figure a way out of this. This option is in my view the most open one.

(4) There is a possible fourth option, the “e factor” but being such an unpredictable wild card, one can only speculate about what effect this option could possibly have on us Africans, if it were to ever be activated in our region. If the reader does not know what I am referring to here then please do not bother too much with it.

(5) There is also the chance that there are options that I have missed out or have not considered here.

So fellow country men and women! There is a potentially wider conflict brewing. Often, we focus on our small country Ghana, an artificially created entity based on Euro-American whims, and we try to forget about the rest of the continent, as if it is foreign to us. Yea, we even see other black Africans from other “nations” as foreigners.

But the time has come to look not only at our artificially created boundaries but to also to be aware of what is happening around us. The conflict in Mali has great potential to lead into several different directions that will inevitably affect us. We have already been drawn into it. It is my hope that this article will reach those who are meant to read it, which includes all open minded and discerning individuals.


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