Just because you got help (money) to fix the gate to your house doesn’t mean you sold your house. You may have demeaned yourself, but you didn’t sell your house.

Just because Ghana received aid from the US to fund Avu-Koklo “Development” projects doesn’t mean the government sold the country to the US. The government may have demeaned itself and perhaps demeaned all Ghanaians, but the government didn’t sell Ghana.

Now, selling your country for 20 million dollars (plus scholarships for your ugly wives and retarded children) is different from collecting aid for 20 million dollars. When someone has a far superior military than yours and gives you 20 million to build actual military bases in your country, and you accept, there’s only one implication of your behavior: they bought your country! Or yet, you sold your country.

Let me put it even more succinctly: When someone swings a far bigger dick than yours and gives you 20 million dollars to use your house and its occupants permanently, there’s but one implication. You sold your house, and you pimped out everyone in it. You are a pimp!

Now, if you sit there and act like Ghana has always taken aid from the US so collecting an extra 20 million dollars in return for allowing them to occupy the country is no different, you are surely under the influence and you are beyond salvation. You are in no way a leader of men. You are an Avu-Koklo!

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~ Success is a horrible teacher. It seduces the ignorant into thinking that he can’t lose. It seduces the intellectual into thinking that he must win. Success corrupts; Only usefulness exalts. ~ WP. Narmer Amenuti (which names translate: Dances With Lions), was born by The River, deep within the heartlands of Ghana, in Ntoaboma. He is a public intellectual from the Sankoré School of Critical Theory, where he trained and was awarded the highest degree of Warrior Philosopher at the Temple of Narmer. As a Culture Critic and a Guan Rhythmmaker, he is a dilettante, a dissident and a gadfly, and he eschews promotional intellectualism. He maintains strict anonymity and invites intellectuals and lay people alike to honest debate. He reads every comment. If you enjoyed this essay and would like to support more content like this one, please pour the Ancestors some Libation in support of my next essay, or you can go bold, very bold and invoke them. Here's my CashApp: $TheRealNarmer


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