The war in the Ukraine has started again after the lull of the fall of 2014. It risks escalating tensions between Russia and the Franks also known as the West. Ukraine is the deflated geopolitical football which bears the brunt of the geopolitical football game played between the West and Russia. The war is the American War in the Ukraine.
Why do we call it that?
This is because in the east of the Ukraine, the Russian speaking east Ukrainians call it the American War. They chose that moniker to describe what is happening just as the North Vietnamese called and still call what the Americans call the Vietnam War as the American War in Vietnam. Before we explain the details of what is going on, let us give a historical background about the Ukraine to understand the context of what is happening.

The Ukraine as a state has only existed for the past 24 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The area of what is the Ukraine with its capital of Kiev is where the first east Slavic state of Kiev Rus appeared. The word Russian is from the name of the first state Kiev Rus.
In fact Kiev is called the Mother of all Russian cities as a cursory search on Google or any other competent search engine will show. Today Moscow is the capital of Russia but the founder of Moscow was the Grand Prince of Kiev Yuri Dolgorukii who ruled all the eastern Slavs. One of his sons was sent to rule in Moscow as Moscow was just one of the Russian cities.
In the 1200s, the Mongols swept west from the Eurasian steppes and destroyed Kiev Rus as the center of eastern Slavic politics. The princes of Moscow being geographically farther away from the devastating path of the Mongol warriors escaped the devastation. But they understood the message and became vassals of the Mongol warriors who established their capital on the Volga in today’s Russia.
The destruction of Kiev Rus destroyed the political unity of the eastern Slavs. Out of that catastrophe arose three eastern Slavic dialects of Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian which further developed into three closely related ethnic groups. The area around Kiev became dominated by Poland and Lithuania but was for a long time lawless with no centralized political structure.
In 1654 the people around Kiev and today’s central Ukraine to escape cruel Polish domination asked to join the now powerful new Russian state with its capital in Moscow which had been founded by a Grand Prince of Kiev. There was still no Ukrainian state. The people around that area spoke a dialect which is today called the Ukrainian language. The area of the Ukraine has always been a strategic location in military terms. The coast of today’s Ukraine including the Crimea was conquered by Russian empress Catherine the Great from the Ottoman Empire. That area to the south-east of the Ukraine became known as the Novorussian provinces of the Russian Empire. Novorussia meaning New Russia just as the New England area in the USA.
The western part of today’s Ukraine after the collapse of the Kievan Rus state remained with Poland and later became part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after Poland ceased to exist as an independent state having been swallowed up by the Austro-Hungarians and the Russians. Thus the people of the west Ukraine developed a distinct identity from the people in the east and the center who had joined the Russian Empire in 1654. The Austrians and Germans as part of the geopolitical effort to weaken Russia began to encourage the Slavs of west Ukraine to develop a distinct identity opposed to Russia, in essence an anti-Russia.
In 1917, the Bolsheviks did their coup in the Russian Empire and transformed the Russian Empire into the Soviet Union. They then created the modern Ukrainian state by joining Russian speaking lands of the East which today is the Donbass, the south-east coast which was Novorussia, the central regions around Kiev, some of the western parts which were part of Austria-Hungary and then in 1939, the other western parts which they took from Poland. Thus you had the situation in the Ukraine where in the east and south east along the coast they are Russian speaking, and in the west they are Ukrainian speaking. Note that the Crimea was not added to this new state. It remained part of Russia proper.
Then in 1954, then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev who was a Ukrainian to celebrate the 300 years of union with Russia signed an order without a referendum to give the Crimea as a gift to the Ukraine! Thus was created the artificial state of the Ukraine with two different languages Russian in the east and Ukrainian in the west. Belgium is a similar state created as a compromise state in Europe with a Dutch speaking Flanders and a French speaking Wallonia. Note that tiny Belgium is a federal state.
The odious American geopolitical Zbiegniew Brzezinski in his famous book the Grand Chessboard continuing the German and Austrian tradition of the Ukraine as the soft underbelly of Russia identified the Ukraine as a key geopolitical pivot of Eurasia which if taken away from Russia will weaken Russia. Hence following Ukrainian independence as admitted by deputy US secretary of state Victoria Nulands that, the US has spent more than 5 billion dollars on NGOs involved in political activities in the Ukraine.
The result following the logic of Mr or Dr Brzezinski as you might prefer was to create an anti-Russia a Russophobic state that they promised NATO membership to. Note that the Ukraine is only 300 miles from Moscow. Most of the regimes of the post-Soviet Ukraine under the influence of American dollars that they were colonized and oppressed by Russia. This is quite idiosyncratic if considering that of all the leaders of the Soviet Union, majority of them were Ukrainian! Let us list them in order:
Vladimir Lenin (half Jewish and half Kalmyk)
Joseph Stalin (Georgian)
Nikita Khrushchev (Ukrainian)
Leonid Brezhnev (Ukrainian)
Yuri Andropov (half Russian and Finish-Jewish). By Jewish terms he is Jewish since his mother was of Finish Jewish descent
Konstantin Chernenko (Ukrainian)
Mikhail Gorbachev (Ukrainian)
The current crisis in the Ukraine which has resulted in a civil war had been percolating for a long time. The Ukrainian speaking western part of the country after the Soviet Collapse in 1991 has attempted to impose its language and view of history on the whole country. A prominent Ukrainian nationalist leader from the Ukrainian speaking west Stepan Bandera a self-avowed Nazi collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded the Soviet Union. He and his groups were responsible for the slaughter of thousands of Jews, Russians, Poles and other nationalities.
While in the Russian speaking east of the country, the people fought in partisan units against the Nazis. Thus you have two different historical reactions to World War 2. Hence any attempt to impose once culture and history on the other opposed side of the country is bound to bring conflict. This was precisely the process that the Americans encouraged and that has led to the present American war in the Ukraine.
All attempts by Moscow and its allies to have a federal structure for the Ukraine with two national languages Ukrainian and Russian has been rejected by the Americans and their EU poodle states. They accept that tiny Belgium be a federal state with two languages Dutch and French but Ukraine should not be a federal state with two languages Russian and Ukrainian to preserve the peace! Strange how western democracy works! The pig Napoleon in George Orwell’s animal farm must be green with envy at the finesse of western hypocrisy.

In February 2013 a coup was organized in the Ukraine against the then president Victor Yanukovych in the middle of a serious political crisis which had exposed the deep divisions in the country between the Russian speaking east and the Ukrainian speaking west. The president fled the country after the protesters who had earlier with western agreement agreed with his government on an early election to settle the crisis. The crisis escalated with mysterious shootings by snipers of protesters in the central square of Kiev, the Maidan. This was blamed on the Yanukovych government and then the protestors went to storm his palace which forced him to flee.
The leaders of the new coup regime were from the western Ukraine. The people of the Russian speaking eastern Ukraine revolted and refused to accept the new unconstitutional government. The Crimea with active Russian help voted to leave the Ukraine and join Russia. The other eastern regions demanded new elections and federalization which was rejected by the new coup government and the west. This unelected government then set out in April of 2014 to crush the protestors in the east. This has led to the raging civil war in the Ukraine between the Russian speaking eastern regions and the Ukrainian speaking regime in Kiev.
The interesting correlations in this civil war are that. Anytime any American official or general visits the Ukrainian speaking regime in Kiev now led by Poroshenko, the fighting renews with increasing ferocity. The latest fighting has also coincided with the visit of the commander of US Army Europe Lt General Frederick Ben Hodges who arrived in Ukraine in the week starting January 19. The Ukrainian army immediately launched a new offensive against the separatist forces in the east the Donbass. As of now, the US military help has not helped the Ukrainians that much.
Over 7000 thousand Ukrainian troops have now being encircled by the self-defense forces of the east in what is called in the military terms a cauldron where they will most certainly be destroyed.  The US and its EU poodle states meanwhile are escalating sanctions on Russia for supporting the self-defense of the eastern Ukraine and also demanding that she hand over the Crimea back to Ukraine. This is the same US which after Cuban president Raul Castro asked that the US should hand back Guantanamo bay just announced on January 28 that she will not hand back Guantanamo bay to Cuba.
Let us recall that Guantanamo bay was never part of the US but was seized in an American war of aggression in 1898. The US then forced Cuba in 1903 to sign an agreement leasing Guantanamo bay to them. Many experts in international law claim that the lease agreement was illegal. Thus the exceptional nation also known as the USA refuses to hand back Guantanamo Bay back to Cuba but demands that Russia hands back to the Ukraine the Crimea which has been part of Russia for almost 300 years and was illegally gifted to the Ukraine in 1954 by the decree of a single man.
This is exceptional democracy at work by the exceptional people and their chosen financial and banking elite.
The fear is now that the escalating civil war in the Ukraine could spark a major confrontation between Russia and the United States. Just last week native western English speaking mercenaries were caught on camera in the Ukraine who were hiding their faces from the camera. The USA is sending a brigade of tanks to Europe this year and thousands of troops.
Russia itself has announced it is beefing up her combat forces in the Crimea and the southern military district which abuts the Ukraine. The real danger is an accidental confrontation between American forces stationed on the Poland –Ukraine border and Russian Forces on the Russia- Ukraine as both might decide to drive into the Ukraine as the Ukrainian state further disintegrates with a looming defeat and a near financial default due to her bankruptcy. Let us watch what this year brings. We are in a period of heightened geopolitical tension in the Ukrainian geopolitical pivot state of Eurasia. We remember the carnage of Vietnam. It lasted 20 years from 1955 to 1975.
Hmm. Very fascinating read. Muchas gracias!
This is a telling example of the non-linear war being waged in the Congo, CAR, etc. by Western asserts in Africa. Ukraine is just a proxy. I hope they will learn and save themselves all the trouble. This doesn’t end well.
The chaos in Ukraine has a striking resemblance to many we suffer in Africa. Same player – a people who first came as traders, then waged war, colonized, enslaved, committed genocides etc. Yah, a striking resemblance with have here in Africa.
There is no doubting that Ukraine has been tricked, beaten and stamped. The West has an unusual way of causing terror around the world everywhere they go. But if you say it then you are the bad guy. Terrible.