GIZA, Egypt – It was such a big fraud. It would take more than 300 years before the masses around the world would wake up to it. The fraud started on an Island in Northern Europe in 1694. That Island calls itself Britain. The fraud was the foundation of the Bank of England as a private corporation.

For thousands of years, people had used gold and other precious metals as a store of value and as a medium of exchange. In fact in Africa, apart from gold, cowries were also used. We remember the Ashanti gold weights and cowrie shells in West Africa. There was no monopoly. Anyone who had gold or cowrie shells was an emitter of currency. If I could mine gold myself, I was an independent emitter of currency. If I could harvest cowrie shells, I was an emitter of currency. No private faceless cabal had a sole right to emit the currency used in any region.

Western Banking changed all of that. A western authority on western banking Vera Smith tells us in her book, “The Rational of Central Banking and the Free Banking Alternative:”

In the middle of the 1600’s in the west, merchants began to to deposit their balances of coin and bullion with the goldsmiths. The goldsmiths then began to offer interest on deposits, since they could re-lend them at higher rates, and the receipts they gave in acknowledgment of the deposits began to circulate as money.

The next stage of the story begins on that Island which calls itself Britain. It is the formation of a private banking cartel called the Bank of England. Vera Smith continues:

He [Charles II]ran heavily into debt and in 1672 suspended Exchequer payments and therefore the repayment of banker’s advances. The King’s credit was thereby ruined… and his Government fell in with the scheme of a financier by the name of Patterson for the foundation of an institution to be known as Governor and Company of the Bank of England. Its establishment was described by the Tunnage Act……,as being “for the better raising and paying into the Exchequer of the sum of £1,200,000.

The early history of the Bank was a series of exchanges between a needy Government and an accommodating corporation. In the first instance, the Bank was founded with a capital amounting to £1,200,000. This same sum was immediately lent to the Government and in return the Bank was authorized to issue notes to the same amount.

This is the opening act in the drama of the great fraud. A financier secures the passage of a Bill which founds a private corporation called the Bank of England. This private Bank lends money to the King who represents the state. This same bank can then immediately issue notes to the same amount.

The public borrows these notes or pieces of paper thinking they are backed by gold. The public has to return the value of these notes and the interest accrued in gold. Here we see people taking pieces of paper “backed” by gold and have to return gold and real assets as payment. Through these notes, they stole gold and real assets from the unsuspecting public. The first central bank was a private cartel, a mafia operation.

The second act of the drama of the Great Fraud crosses the North Atlantic and happens in North America in 1913 with the foundation of the Federal Reserve. The third president of the United States Thomas Jefferson had said this about a 100 years earlier in a letter to Mr John Wayles Eppes;

Bank-paper must be suppressed, and the circulating medium must be restored to the nation to whom it belongs.

In this letter Jefferson although a slave-owner did not like his wealth controlled by the currency of a private entity.

In 1910 on the night of November 22, a train left New York heading for Georgia. All the blinds on the train were shut tight. The train was carrying some of the most powerful men in America to Jekyll Island in Georgia. They had been summoned there by J P Morgan. The meetings on Jekyll Island were headed by Paul Warbug. Some of you might have heard of Warburg Pincus a global private equity investment institution. There they set in motion the mechanism of creating a Private Central Bank in the US that would take place on the strange night of December 22 1913.

It was so strange that it had to be clothed in secrecy. It had to take place in the dead of the night on December 22 just before Christmas Eve when most members of the Congress were desperate to be away for the yuletide season. The financial jackals like to move at night.

We describe the sequence of events and its culmination on this night of the damned. A Chinese Financial Expert Song Hongbin describes what happens in the translation below.

At this point, on Capitol Hill, there was a temporary field office, under the direct command of Paul. Warburg who looked at this as a quasi-rare opportunity to launch a blitzkrieg. In his office, every hour there is a group of legislators arriving to discuss his next move. On December 20 Saturday night, a joint meeting of both houses of Congress continue to discuss the important differences between the House and Senate Bills.

After December 21, a tense day, the front page of The New York Times on Monday, 22 screamed out “currency proposal could become law today,” an important news article showering effusive praise for the efficiency of the Congress – “this is almost unprecedented speed, the joint meeting of both houses of Congress to amend the differences in the proposal in this morning is fully completed.

Most Members have not had time to carefully read the proposed amendment. At 4:30AM on the 22nd: The final document was sent to print. At 7:00AM sharp: The final draft was read once more. At 2.00 PM : A copy was on the desk of Members, and they were informed of the 4.00PM meeting. At 4.0 PM: the Conference began. At 6.00PM sharp: the final joint report was submitted, at this time the majority of Members have to eat dinner, and in the meeting room there were very few members. Later than 7:30PM: Glass began to lecture for 20 minutes, and then entered the debate. Late than 11.00PM: They start to vote, finally 298 votes to 60 by the House of Representatives. The Senate vote of 43 to 25 votes (27 in absentia). President Wilson officially signed the bill. The Federal Reserve Act is now Law. Wall Street and the City of London at once erupt in joy.

The willy English Financier Patterson scheme of 1694 to create a private central bank in England births its child in America in 1913. The Federal Reserve consists of 12 regional reserve banks with the most powerful being the New York Fed. These regional reserve banks are owned by the big private banks which are in turn owned by private families. The Federal Reserve emits America’s dollar currency. It decides when and how much to emit. It loans money to the American government and hence to the American people which money has to be payed back with interest.

While Operation Bagration on the Eastern Front and the D Day landings were taking place on the Western front where the blood of men watered the killing fields of war, a conference was held at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to 22, 1944. It established the post-war financial architecture created and dominated by the west with the US dollar as its linchpin becoming the global reserve currency.


  1. Excellent article, the writing is on the wall! Changes, Things Will Never be The same! Shout out to Tupac Shakur!


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