The Metha Despises Africa for what She Will Not Become.

I have seen and read, with grotesque trepidation, some of the stories spinning out of several Euro-American news outlets about Tobi Amusan, her father and the general so-called debilitating sporting (plus all) atmosphere in Nigeria.

I think the Mis-Educated Than His Ancestors (the Metha) need therapy. Somehow the same debilitating atmosphere in Nigeria produces some of the best Medical Doctors/Nurses in the whole world for the Euro-Americans to lure with their Paper Dollars!

Deep down the Metha hates himself, and so stories such as Amusan’s narrative serve the very purpose of the Metha’s disenchantment about Africa.

One woman sets a hurdles record, and we cannot just celebrate her as a daughter of Nigeria and enjoy the moment. No! We must stoop to pointing fingers, hurling insults, and calling Africa, Nigeria, and her father all kinds of horrid names. The Metha is hurtling, albeit slowly, but surely towards mental illness!

The Metha has deep-seated trauma about Africa.

Africa refuses to conform to what the Metha wants. Which is that Africa should become like Little London. Africa will not! She will become what She has always been destined, by the Gods, to become – great! Despite the Metha’s Triumphant Exceptionalist Trauma.

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