Think you’ve got what it takes to be part of the upcoming Screen Gems’ film Think Like A Man? If you’re a fan of Steve Harvey or the book Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man, and can play an age between 18 and 50, you just might be considered for a walk-on part in the upcoming movie — which will be produced by Rainforest Films’ Will Packer, who also collaborated with Screen Gems on Stomp The Yard (2007), This Christmas (2007), and Takers (2010).

Sony Pictures Entertainment’s Face of the Fan nationwide casting call requires auditioners to provide contact information, a headshot photo, and a video (two minutes or less) of the participant acting out a monologue excerpt from the book.


From May 20 to June 8, the public will vote on actors who took part in the initial online casting call and each week actors will be eliminated based on the public vote. Those making it through to the end of the voting period may get the opportunity to be considered for a walk-on role in the film. Visit Face of the Fan for more information. And as always, good luck!

UPDATE: See who won the contest HERE


  1. How are the fans going to know about what good casting is about? They are just going to vote for who looks good instead of who can really act. Casting should be in the hands of people who are trained to do so. Unless this is just another way of advertising.

  2. I like that people can vote really. It brings a level of interaction into the making of he movie. This way the public can believe they are a part of the film making process. I like that.

  3. This is going to be bad. Who names a movie Think Like A Man. What? There were serious issues with his book. I don’t know why the people who read it can’t critic it thoroughly. This should not be made into a motion picture.

  4. I am trying out for the movie role. I really love and believe the advice that Steve Harvey gives on relationships and how men and women think. I listen to his morning talk show often. I put both of Steve Harvey books on my wish list and received them for my birthday. I can’t wait to finish them. I love having discussions with my boyfriend about what was talked about on Steve Harvey’s morning show in reference to the Strawberry Letter’s. Thanks Steve for your advice, experience, and being gifted on knowing how men and women think differently. Hope I get the part in your movie! This is my cup of tea!!! πŸ™‚


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