The Holy Book of our Ancestors of Nubia and Kemet, The Boank, minces no words when She starts:

Homage to thee, Osiris, Lord of Eternity, King of the Gods, whose names are manifold, whose forms are Holy, Thou Being of Hidden Form in the Temples…

Thou art the Lord who is commemorated in Maati, the Hidden Soul, the Lord of Qerrt, the Ruler Supreme in Menefer. Thou art the Soul of Ra, His own body, and hast Thy place of rest in Henensu.

These words underscore the very essence of The Boank. Many readers today have referred to the Holy Book, which was the first scripture ever written and published, as the Book of the Coming Forth By Day, to great effect. Some of our ancestors called it thus. Yet others have more simplistically called the Holy Book, The Book of Stepping Into the Light. Or even the Book of the Dead (Ancestors).

These descriptions are upheld against the evidence. However, the latter two terms are less descriptive of the course of The Boank for various reasons. Most significant, they do not capture the full spectrum of the edges of the Spirituality of the Universe about which the Holy Book helps worshipers explore, nor do they seem to grasp the complexity in which the verses of The Boank are largely written.

To fully comprehend the nature and spiritual direction of the Holy Book, one needs to carefully and absorbedly analyze Her underlying principles. The Holy Book pays momentous homage to Osiris, who is the Hidden Form in the Temples.

By Hidden Form, our ancestors seem to have accepted the Spiritual Acknowledgement that Osiris cannot be seen. As in Dark Matter or Dark Energy, the kind of matter that cannot be seen with telescopes but which still account for most of the mass-energy of the universe.

Like Dark Matter, Osiris’ existence are inferred from the spiritual effects on our lives as Dark Matter’s gravitational pull are only inferred from its effects on visible matter. Our Ancestors believed that their lives, both the physical and the spiritual, depended on Osiris and on the large-scale super-structure of the universe the Holy One has created.

The Holy Book encapsulates our constant emanation from the Hidden Form. That we do not exist without the Hidden Form and back to the Hidden Form shall we return. A continuation of the verses above brings us to statements that clearly enforce this doctrine even further; that the Stars are born out of the Hidden Form, much like Dark Matter contributes its vast gravitational forces towards the fusion reactions needed in the formation of stars in the universe:

Thou art the God of Nu (the Celestial Ocean) who draweth from Thee Her waters. Thou sendest forth the north wind at eventide, and Breath from Thy Nostrils to the satisfaction of Thy Heart. Thou producest the Stars and the celestial heights are obedient unto Thee.

With this convenient understanding of the nature of Osiris, our Ancestors were not only cognizant of Coming Forth By Day or Stepping Into the Light, they were equally cognizant of their return to whence they have come.

Therefore, whatever happens in the Day or in the Light, our Ancestors believed, has Come Forth from the Hidden Form, from the Dark. Like Dark Energy and Dark Matter which both constitute 95.1% of the total mass–energy content of the Universe, the Holy Book reminds us that the Spirituality and Physicality of the Effects of the Hidden Form, Osiris, on our lives are Weighty.

Our Ancestors are more bullish than us in asserting that all things emanate from the Hidden Form and in fact, return to it. That Light emanates from the Darkness, and returns to it. Or more poignantly that there can be no Light without the Darkness to produce it.

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~ Success is a horrible teacher. It seduces the ignorant into thinking that he can’t lose. It seduces the intellectual into thinking that he must win. Success corrupts; Only usefulness exalts. ~ WP. Narmer Amenuti (which names translate: Dances With Lions), was born by The River, deep within the heartlands of Ghana, in Ntoaboma. He is a public intellectual from the Sankoré School of Critical Theory, where he trained and was awarded the highest degree of Warrior Philosopher at the Temple of Narmer. As a Culture Critic and a Guan Rhythmmaker, he is a dilettante, a dissident and a gadfly, and he eschews promotional intellectualism. He maintains strict anonymity and invites intellectuals and lay people alike to honest debate. He reads every comment. If you enjoyed this essay and would like to support more content like this one, please pour the Ancestors some Libation in support of my next essay, or you can go bold, very bold and invoke them. Here's my CashApp: $TheRealNarmer


  1. Again, you have to wonder why this interpretation of the Book of the Ancestors has not been obvious. Narmer Amenuti makes these things seem little like this: you’ve always known it but may have long forgotten. This is a striking elaboration on a very controversial topic because of the racial dynamics it circumscribes – without the Darkness, there can be no Light. The theological arguments made here and the support from science are solidly well-nigh incontrovertible. I am sure, already, that my Christian and Muslim friends are up in arms. Darkness? What?

  2. This is very deep! Very very very deep! I read the whole book Jonas posted, all 71 pages. Very nice. I didn’t know my Ancestors were this smart oh. Plus, this article Narmer Amenuti has written is deep. I went back and read the beginning verse again and I saw where Narmer was coming from. Very deep!

  3. Great article, what can not be seen yet exist per it presence is always in the dark and very fearful to those in the light.
    Secret is in dark and remember God is known as still God because of enormous secret represent dark. Wooow what a wonderful revelation from Narmer’s work.

    My power is growing every day and becoming indestructible weapon. Because knowledge will make you prosper and set you free. Hahahahah

  4. Those who claim they are in the light are almost always fearful of the Dark. They claim the light is more powerful but deep down they know, the Darkness is even more powerful. The vast expanse of the effects of the Darkness on our lives can be terrifying to those who claim the light is better. But they do so because what ‘you already know is comforting, but what you don’t know is always fearsome.’ African philosophy embraces this idea that from out of the Darkness came light and every other thing. By that implication we embrace all things and we pay homage to the Darkness. Someone is terrified already, hahaha!

  5. Whoa very deep indeed, Amenuti. Beyond the comprehension of mere mortals like myself. But I do get the take home point that light is not possible without darkness and that darkness governs all. I will have to read again though and dissect it once more.

  6. Also: truth is in the dark and the appearances are in the light. There is definitely a lot of philosophical discussion to be had here about the real meaning behind dark and light and that which has been falsified and fictionalized in Western dictionaries.

  7. Agreed with Nina and Narmer. Why is it we close our eyes to pray? So that we can be closer to the truth, the powerful, and the knowledgeable. So that we can focus. The light came out of the dark. The world came out of Africa. We go into the darkness to find true selves and become one with our Creator. The light is not to be feared because it is a byproduct of the dark.


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