WEST AFRICA, Ntoaboma —The way things are supposed to work in West Africa is simply like this: the power structures (public and private) in Washington, Paris and London decide what they want us to do within the (Mis-)Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and we receive the information. They communicate their wishes through our seat of government in Lagos, or Accra, or Dakar(official channels) or through well-funded NGOs and Think Tanks (unofficial channels).
Or they do both. Or yet, they send their wire-tappers to the headquarters of The Bush’s brainchild, USAFRICOM—The Obama’s favorite Ghettoblaster House where they come to boogy-away their nights in Africa.
The bourgeois consultants at Think Tanks traipse over to various policy centers directly involved with “policy work” in West Africa. (Who’s policy, you may ask?) NGOs, too, send gas-guzzling V8 Toyota Land Cruisers newly imported from Japan to gallivant the vast terrain of West Africa. All to carry out Washington’s orders. They run around gathering and curing tens of dysentery patients and a few hundred phantom malaria patients in return for selling Monsanto’s low yield irreproducible crops to unsuspecting villagers. In return for damping all of Europe and America’s solid electronic waste on Ghana’s soil for our children to crawl hungrily through. In return for democracy!
The globalists call this globalization. And with it, villagers must give up their naturally occurring crops in return for the low yielding genetically modified can-only-buy-from-Monsanto seeds. The village folks in Ntoaboma must give up farming, fishing, weaving, dressmaking, pottery and such in return for a factory job down in the Salt Mines of Ada (Ghana), which now belong to one, and only one, mortal.
The way things are supposed to work in Ntoaboma and in West Africa at large, and in Niger in particular, is exactly like this: whatever they come up with in Washington, they expect our automatic cooperation. If our robotic cooperation is not immediately forthcoming, they apply political, financial and economic pressure from Accra, Lagos or Dakar, through the Diplomatic Corps and chief executives.
If that still doesn’t produce the intended effect, if the villagers in Niamey, refuse to cooperate, they attempt to bribe the President of Ghana and Nigeria—the very two Presidents in all of West Africa, who can barely be expected to stay awake for any serious discussion about anything.
If that doesn’t work, they attempt a regime change in Niamey and around. If the Leaders of Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, or even Guinea, refuse to destool their new “undemocratic” leaders by restoring the puppet, but favored undemocratic others, the puppeteers of Washington, London and Paris foment an international, tribal, ethnic, civil dispute.
Clans that have not had a chief for the past five hundred years will pick up swords, machetes, muskets and knives against long-established royal families. They will demand change to share in the rewards of chieftaincy. The only difference is that for the past five hundred years none of their family members have had to march musket first into a single war. Worse, they cook up ancient tales of how they are Hebrews and for that matter the “rightful” heirs to the stool or skin.
In Niger, regime change can quickly spiral into an even bigger and more dangerous event. Washington commands change right from the office of the President, the Head of State or the Prime Minister. That is not to say that even with a strong state this type of change from top to bottom cannot happen. But the politics here is nationwide. Factions are organized and financed with foreign money for an immediate ECOWAS revolution which results in an insurgency leading to civil war in some cases, terrorist uprisings in others and genocide in some instances—all to restore Washington puppets and continue in the rape of West African resources for the benefit of the peoples of Europe.
For a small village like Ntoaboma in Ghana the worse that can happen is a chieftaincy dispute where scores die. But in color revolutions countrywide, or in an ECOWAS (USAFRICOM) response, if the new leaders of the people fleeing persecution and grinding deprivation refuse to kneel down to Washington’s oppression that country is bombed back to the Stone Age.
The men in Washington have hundreds of years of useful experience in this type of warfare against the militaries in West African nations. From the slave raids off the West African coast to the genocide committed against Native Americans and others in the name of trade, Washington’s men, Paris’ women and London’s prostitutes, are skilled in the terrorism of the under-militarily-prepared nations like Niger.
So in Africa, this is how things worked during colonial terrorist occupation, this is how it worked after independence and this is how it works now and how it is supposed to work into the future—continuing the two hundred years of unchallenged terrorism emanating from the corridors of western power. Why? Simply because a small hamlet like Niamey (like the Ntoaboma in which I live) has failed to militarily develop, or has been prevented from militarily developing, to challenge and resist Washington’s oppression.
But alas, a new dynamic has emerged: the power of “Daabi!” The power of “No!” The power of “Nyet” by the Mongols. And hopefully, from Niger, the power of “A’a!” This also is a Washington lesson we have learned.
Many years ago, in 2016 to be exact, three states—Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana—within the United States of America said “no” to a Russian request to send its diplomats to monitor polling stations on Election Day, November 8, according to letters from state officials provided to the Clinton News Network (CNN), although US Officials are quick to send diplomats to monitor elections in Ghana, or quick to ask ECOWAS to invade Niger.
The then Secretary of State of Louisiana, Tom Schedler, wrote to officially say “no” to the Russian Consul General Alexander Zakharov. Schedler said that recent flooding had left his office extremely short-staffed to honor such a visit. Both Oklahoma and Texas also turned down the Russians citing state laws that prohibit it and hoped that the Russians “are able to view the televised election process on November 8, 2016.” He continued quite sarcastically, “It is truly an amazing system.”
In my opinion, Oklahoma, Texas and Louisiana did the right thing. “No!” is “no.” Or better, “No means no!”
In 2008, the reverse had already occurred. When Vladimir Putin heard President Bush demanded that Russian troops “leave Georgia territory immediately”, he did what any sensible leader of a great people would do; he yawned, scratched his belly and ambled over to the Kremlin fridge to see if there were any left-overs from last night’s imperial banquet with the French dignitaries. He may have even smiled wistfully to himself as he peered over the Chicken Kiev and the Siberian cutlets, mumbling, “Nyet! Nyet George; South Ossetia’s future is no longer negotiable.”
ECOWAS can learn from the leaders of these two nations—truly ‘great’ nations with great people. In the beginning the power of “Daabi” or “A’a” was centered on Russia, but the phenomenon can spread to Ghana and engulf Niger and the rest of ECOWAS. But first we need the twins—“Little Boy” and “Fat Man—” and more! There’s absolutely no reason why we cannot build the bomb. Until Niger can rise up and develop militarily to protect its own borders with its Uranium deposits, it will continue to risk being atomic bombed back into the Caucasian Stone Age. The bomb is the sign of military development. We can no longer go to the negotiating table with the US or Russia without it.
After we have developed the bomb, the situation will instantly change—it will look something like this: The Evangelical State of Anglo-America (TESA) decides what it wants from Niger and it communicates its wishes through the President of Ghana or Nigeria, expecting automatic cooperation. Ghana says “Daabi.” The people in Niger say “A’a!” Because cooperation is not immediately forthcoming, they apply political, financial and economic pressure. Ghana and Nigeria again say “Daabi” and the people in Niger insist on the “A’a!” TESA then runs through all of the above steps up to but not including the bombing campaign it wishes to unleash through ECOWAS (or is it USAFRICOM?), from which it is deterred by Niger’s nuclear deterrent.
The answer remains “A’a.” One could perhaps imagine now that some smart person within the US power structure would pipe up and say: “Based on the evidence before us, dictating our terms to Niger or to ECOWAS doesn’t work; let’s try negotiating with Niger and ECOWAS in good faith as equals.” And then everybody else would slap their cheeks with their palms and say, “Wow! That’s brilliant! Why didn’t we think of that?”
But that smart person would probably be fired that very day because, you see, Euro-American global hegemony (via the Nulands) is nonnegotiable. And so what happens instead is that the Americans act baffled, regroup and try again, making for quite an amusing spectacle.
But Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, etc., remain resolute: “Daabi!” is “Daabi.” You see, the bomb is our only ticket to freedom.