Lady Mboma. She’s Got Heart. She’s Got Patience.

The west is over there, yet again, dictating to Africa about who a woman should be? They tell us that a woman cannot have certain levels of a certain hormone that “only they” know so much about.

The west does not think that those of us in Africa, the original people, know anything about testosterone, and so we need to be taught by the west about hormones.

Really? And so Lady Mboma, only 18 years of age, and the silver medalist in the women’s 200m in Tokyo 2020 Olympics, behind only Lady Elaine of Jamaica, has been banned from competing in the 400m races.

Why? According to the grey things, she has too much testosterone.

So, let’s get this straight: These grey things can tell us who/what a woman is, and what a man is, and who/what they are not (Casta Semenya, Beatrice Masilingi and Mboma), but those of us in Africa; we the original human beings, we have no idea what a woman or a man is? Correct?

Are these grey things the same grey things funding feminist doctrines/projects all over Africa? And so in their feminism (Feminazism), some Black women are “women” and some are “not women” enough. That so? Boi, this cykopathic problem is bigger than I thought!

These are the same Feminazis who are berating Chimamanda Adichie (who doesn’t seem to understand one doctrine from the next), for drawing her own line of womanhood right at the feet of trans-women? Boi, the level of silliness is beyond any logical comprehension.

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