Home Narmer Amenuti Bill Gates Threatens Africa’s Food Supply with 100,000 Vaccinated Chickens

Bill Gates Threatens Africa’s Food Supply with 100,000 Vaccinated Chickens

The Vaccinated Man That I Love.

I love Billionaire Prima Donna, Bill Gates, as he urges the world’s poor to be chicken farmers — while funding silicon valley to make eggs obsolete.

I love Bill Gates. Instead of giving away the lands that his foundation and other western foundations are buying up in Africa to African families, he would rather give them vaccinated Chickens.

I love Bill Gates. Instead of preventing Monsanto from replacing natural reproducing seeds (can be re-grown ad infinitum) with Frankenstein Seeds (which can only be grown once), he would rather give African families vaccinated Chickens that cannot reproduce.

I love Bill Gates. Instead of using some of his money to write-off African debt, he would rather give vaccinated Chickens to African families because he loves African families very much more.

I love Bill Gates. Instead of feeding the 40 million children who go hungry each day in the USA with real food, not Frankenstein foods, he would rather give African families vaccinated Chickens because he loves Africa more.

I love Bill Gates. Instead of making sure that children in the US have better schools and proper education, he would rather give vaccinated Chickens to African families because he loves African families more than his own windows at home.

I just love Bill Gates. He is a righteous man.

Reuters reports that the Microsoft founder and billionaire philanthropist is set to donate 100,000 vaccinated birds to the continent, reasoning that the scheme would improve recipients’ livelihoods, provide a good investment, and boost children’s nutrition. “If I were living in extreme poverty, I’d want to raise chickens,” Gates tweeted on Thursday.

On his personal blog, Gates wrote that farmers starting with five hens could make up to $1,000 per year, compared to the extreme poverty line of about $700 per year. Linking to a post by his wife Melinda, the co-chair of the couple’s Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gates added that chickens also empower women. “Because chickens are small and typically stay close to home, many cultures regard them as a woman’s animal, in contrast to larger livestock like goats or cows,” he wrote. “Women who sell chickens are likely to reinvest the profits in their families.”

The program’s goal is help 30 percent of rural families in sub-Saharan Africa raise “improved breeds of vaccinated chickens,” compared to just 5 percent now.

But Gates argued on the same blog against raising meat — even though economies are growing and more people can afford it.

“Raising meat takes a great deal of land and water and has a substantial environmental impact. Put simply, there’s no way to produce enough meat for 9 billion people. That’s why we need more options for producing meat without depleting our resources,” Gates said in 2013.

He then went on to promote new start-ups creating plant-based alternatives to chicken, beef and even eggs. One of two companies featured in Gates’ ‘Future of Food’ series is Silicon Valley’s Hampton Creek, which aims to make the egg obsolete and is backed by at least a dozen billionaires, including Bill Gates and Hong Kong’s Li Ka-Shing.

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~ Success is a horrible teacher. It seduces the ignorant into thinking that he can’t lose. It seduces the intellectual into thinking that he must win. Success corrupts; Only usefulness exalts. ~ WP. Narmer Amenuti (which names translate: Dances With Lions), was born by The River, deep within the heartlands of Ghana, in Ntoaboma. He is a public intellectual from the Sankoré School of Critical Theory, where he trained and was awarded the highest degree of Warrior Philosopher at the Temple of Narmer. As a Culture Critic and a Guan Rhythmmaker, he is a dilettante, a dissident and a gadfly, and he eschews promotional intellectualism. He maintains strict anonymity and invites intellectuals and lay people alike to honest debate. He reads every comment. If you enjoyed this essay and would like to support more content like this one, please pour the Ancestors some Libation in support of my next essay, or you can go bold, very bold and invoke them. Here's my CashApp: $TheRealNarmer


  1. Vaccinated Chickens are chickens that a vaccinated against something. What? I have no idea. All I know is that Vaccines are responsible for the majority of chick deaths because their immune systems are temporarily suppressed by the vaccine, which makes them susceptible to a lot of chicken diseases. But how would I know? So, Africa has opened the door to one thing by preventing another. But again, it might be better to loose chicks than it is to loose birds you’ve put money (and feed) into for ever.

    Even id the vaccinations are good let us examine it. Vaccinating for cocci, for example, isn’t necessary if you take other measures. The problem with cocci and chicks is that the bacteria builds up in the digestive systems too fast for them to handle. Keeping the brooder clean and giving them free range to chill and run should mostly eliminate any cocci problems. The important thing is to CLEAN! it obviously doesn’t need to be spotless, but a little fresh bedding every day and a good clean every week go a really long way. Free range is also the key.

    But here is the major problem – Marek’s! Once you vaccinate for Marek’s you always have to vaccinate. So if rural Africa is not used to Marek’s and Bill Gates is bringing in chickens that have then we are about to face the music in one generation exactly. We run the risk of introducing the virus into our soils when it’s not actually there at all. We risk wipping out Africa’s chicken flocks, duck flocks etc.

    Africans are interesting. They believe in thieves!

  2. In any case western Big Pharma is about to make a killing in Africa. All our chickens are going to become sick. It’s gonna be very difficult raising chickens in Africa in one generation. My children must move somewhere (if they could), where people are more aware of the Devil that is Bill Gates and his Entourage! Me, on the other hand, I will stay here and fight these Rocky-Fella demons gallivanting the planet to disturb our little peace of mind.

  3. Hmmm that makes a lot of sense. Sounds like a virus intended for population control– to wipe out the food supply in rural areas in sub Saharan Africa. According to the article via the link the Gates clan plans to set these chickens loose on at least 30 percent of rural families. That’s a widespread epidemic waiting to happen! So much for our ancestors knowing how to grow food and tend animals for millennia. Bill Gates the computer guy knows better.

  4. “Bill Gates the computer guy knows better” ha! Yes. He’s part of the group that steals other people’s work and sell it off in the name of improving it. Look at Windows! Complete theft of free thinkers’ genius. Now it’s Africa’s chickens! Complete theft of millennia of evolution or God’s work. Vaccinated Chickens indeed!

  5. With cancer causing agents, fertility reducing concoctions in women and most likely estrogen inducing agents in men! Give 30 years!


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