Top Flight Security is a comedy web series that follows the adventures of a small team of hapless security guards who patrol a Southern California apartment complex. The web series stars JD Witherspoon (a YouTube personality and son of actor John Witherspoon) and is created by Perdell Richardson, President of Perdell Productions.
In the first episode, we meet Tre (JD Witherspoon). A lifetime slacker, Tre loves playing his video games—so much that he’s about to lose his girlfriend, Nicole (Antoinette Mia Pettis). But a phone call comes in that becomes the saving grace for his relationship. Tre has a job interview. Nicole is willing to hold out on leaving him, as long as he can secure the position and show some drive for his future.
In what follows, Tre goes to the interview, which is surely unlike any interview we’ve ever experienced. We can only guess from his odd encounters with Officer Steve (James Gill) what is to come in his tenure as part of the Top Flight security team.
Throughout the first season, the series will feature guest appearances from celebs like Playboy model Aurora, Jerrell Lee (The Proposal, The Fighter, Knight and Day), and J. Kristopher (Conan).
The goal of Perdell Productions is to feature African American actors in lead roles that are entertaining, positive, and enjoyable for all ages. Mr. Richardson’s first feature The Scam is being distributed by Digital Media Rights.
Previously Mr. Richardson worked as Director of Media for an online magazine company and traveled around the U.S. shooting comedy sketches, commercials, and short films. His short Fatal Reaction won the Director’s Choice Award at the DV/HD Film Festival in Hollywood.
Mr. Richardson and his team have already produced 11 episodes for season 1 of Top Flight Security and have begun preparations for Season 2.
Watch the Top Flight Security trailer and episodes.