The suspenseful London-based crime drama Redemptions End is a four-part drama, created/executive produced by Claudius Peters and written/directed by Daniel Rusteau.
Redemptions End follows three friends who are in desperate need of money and hatch a plan to steal freshly buried bodies and sell them on the black market, a plan they soon wish they had aborted.
The drama is full of mystery and the first episode ends with a gripping cliffhanger. Watch it now (below).
Stay tuned with their Facebook and Twitter for the last episode and future work.
James Wardell (Aiden), 
Claudius Peters (Michael), 
Rowan Clift (Samuel), 
Daniel Ahmadi (Corey), 
Belinda Fenty (Mia).
This seems like a good series… the choice of shots could be a little dynamic.
Finally had the chance to see this and I kinda like it. Aiden is definitely a good actor. Yeah I agree the choice of shots could have spanned a more diverse set but on the whole I thought the lighting was fantastic.
‘People don’t change Michael, they try as hard as they can. You are what you are’ — that was a fine line in the first episode especially coming at the back of recounting his father’s exploits with women.
Oh ya! I guess that sentence fancies the minds of those who do not want to change. People can change, Hennessee! I hope you’ve not been quaffing.
Great episodes. Wets my interest enough. And I agree, the lighting in these episodes are done very nicely.