LAS VEGAS, Nevada. U.S.A. — The U.S. Democrats held their white democratic debate on the evening of Tuesday, Oct 13. Despite the debate being engaged with only white candidates, the moderators broached the subject of Black lives, police brutality, and mass incarceration.

Midway through the event, a pertinent question for the U.S. Democratic Debate came from a video feed. A young man by the name of Arthur Wilkins asked: “My question for the candidates is, do Black lives matter, or do all lives matter?”

Anderson Cooper, the head moderator, repeated the question for the candidates: “Do black lives matter, or do all lives matter?”

Senator Bernie Sanders was the first to respond, and he did so directly and emphatically: “Black lives matter.”

The crowd cheered and Sanders continued:

“And the reason — the reason those words matter is the African American community knows that on any given day some innocent person like Sandra Bland can get into a car, and then three days later she’s going to end up dead in jail, or their kids are going to get shot. We need to combat institutional racism from top to bottom, and we need major, major reforms in a broken criminal justice system in which we have more people in jail than China. And, I intended to tackle that issue. To make sure that our people have education and jobs rather than jail cells.”

The crowd gave ample applause to a fine answer. Quite clearly, Sanders indicated that the lives of African American men and women are important to his campaign and perhaps as well to his values. He spoke out against persistent problems, especially institutional racism and a broken criminal justice system, that have plagued Black people in America.

The debate continued. “Do Black lives matter, or do all lives matter?”

Next to respond was Governor O’Malley, who agreed that Black lives were important:

“The point that the Black Lives Matter movement is making is a very, very legitimate and serious point, and that is that as a nation we have undervalued the lives of Black lives, people of color. When I ran for Mayor of Baltimore — and we we burying over 350 young men ever single year, mostly young, and poor, and Black, and I said to our legislature, at the time when I appeared in front of them as a mayor, that if we were burying white, young, poor men in these numbers we would be marching in the streets and there would be a different reaction. Black lives matter, and we have a lot of work to do to reform our criminal justice system, and to address race relations in our country.”

Both Sanders and O’Malley were open and honest about Black lives being mistreated in America. Both men spoke in favor of caring for Black lives.

Later, when Senator Webb weighed in, even he had no trouble speaking about African Americans: “As a President of the United States, every life in this country matters. At the same time, I believe I can say to you, I have had a long history of working with the situation of African Americans. We’re talking about criminal justice reform, I risked my political life raising the issue of criminal justice reform when I ran for the Senate in Virginia in 2006… I also represented a so-called war criminal, an African American Marine who was wounded — who was convicted of murder in Vietnam, for six years. He took his life three years into this. I cleared his name after — after three years. And I put the African American soldier on the Mall. I made that recommendation and fought for it.”

Unlike all the other candidates, when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton weighed in on the matter, she uttered not one single word about Black lives.

Turning to Hillary Clinton, the head moderator questioned: “Secretary Clinton, what would you do for African Americans in this country that President Obama couldn’t?”

And Hillary Clinton rambled on and on, deliberately avoiding the question: “Well, I think that President Obama has been a great moral leader on these issues, and has laid out an agenda that has been obstructed by the Republicans at every turn. So, what we need to be doing is not only reforming criminal justice — I have talked about that at some length, including things like body cameras, but we also need to be following the recommendations of the commissioner that President Obama empanelled on policing.”

Clinton went on: “There is an agenda there that we need to be following up on. Similarly, we need to tackle mass incarceration, and this may be the only bi-partisan issue in the Congress this year. We actually have people on both sides of the aisle who have reached the same conclusion, that we can not keep imprisoning more people than anybody else in the world.”

Then Hillary Clinton went really off topic: “But, I believe that the debate, and the discussion has to go further, Anderson, because we’ve got to do more about the lives of these children. That’s why I started off by saying we need to be committed to making it possible for every child to live up to his or her god given potential. That is really hard to do if you don’t have early childhood education if you don’t have schools that are able to meet the needs of the people, or good housing, there’s a long list. We need a new New Deal for communities of color…”

If the moderators didn’t need to move on to the next question, Hillary Clinton would have gone on and on about everything under the sun, but still, she would not speak on the topic of Black lives in America.

Hillary Clinton was asked specifically about Black lives. Do Black lives matter? What would you do for African Americans? And Hillary Clinton refused to say that she would do anything for Black lives or African Americans.

Does Hillary Clinton care about Black lives in America? Or is she, like her husband Bill, a snake in the grass ready to ensnare African Americans under more slavery-like policies?

Still, too many Black people run around campaigning for Hillary Clinton like they are her house puppets. Meanwhile, when Hillary Clinton has the platform to speak on behalf of Black people, she rather chooses to blabber about body cameras, children living up to their god given potential, or early childhood education, and utters not one single word for Black lives.

Not. One. Single. Word.

Black lives matter.

Hopefully the U.S. will elect a president who believes in the value of Black lives and not someone who couldn’t care less to say three simple words.


  1. Oh yes, for Hilary, Black Lives don’t matter. She and her husband put so many African Americans in jail than there has ever been slaves in America.

  2. In a country that whites outnumber Blacks by 8:1, and Hispanics will outnumber Blacks in only 10 years by 3:1, the US Presidential Democratic Debate (4 white men and 1 white woman, no African Americans) took place this evening. One African American pundit put it this way:
    If you throw 1 Rabbit into a den of 8 Foxes, it doesn’t matter how many times you ask the Rabbit to vote, she will not have a say in what’s for dinner!

  3. It certainly continues to be a numbers GAME. Riddle me this – why are they now so concerned with Africa’s rising populations? All the proof of a pudding is in the eating. Maybe we should hire African Americans to teach us one or two things about Africa’s posturing to the west. They seem to know a whole lot more than us about the true nature and intentions of these people.

  4. It’s true that she didn’t comment directly about BLM, but it’s also true that she was redirected by being asked a different question from the others. She has made comments in the past on BLM and her answer to the question she was given was good. We do need a New Deal in minority communities.

    • I see a candidate in Hillary Clinton who is mediocre at best. At worst, she is the second coming of Bill Clinton, who is essentially now revealed – this man singlehandedly spiraled the worst Black Male Incarceration rate that Slavery couldn’t have even imagined. Hillary is not the candidate that African Americans should name the Next Chapter of the New Deal after. Like Nas said to Jay Z, “Rockefeller? That’s the man y’all chose to name your company after? Negro, pleaassse!”

  5. Akosua, although I haven’t chosen a candidate to support, I don’t believe she is like her husband, and am well aware of who he is and what he’s done, and, you may be correct in her mediocrity as a candidate, but, she’s no lightweight. She’s experienced, seasoned, ambitious and driven. Unlike previous First Ladies, she was highly visible during his presidency and would have rolled over Bill, given the chance, which is why she’s being targeted so much more than Bernie. Regardless of who wins, if we don’t flip congress, it’s going to be irrelevant.

  6. Miss Debra, I like you, but I have to disagree. I seriously believe that the Owners of the Prison Industrial Complex are in bed with Hillary. She still collects campaign donations from them. Campaign Donations ain’t free – they come with strings attached Sis. I don’t like Hillary. I am seriously afraid of what she and her friends on Wall Street and the Owners of the Prison Industrial Complex are going to do to Black people again. Remember, Wall Street, The Prisons and the Judicial Systems are the Three Devils we should shun. And Hillary is on bed with the Two of ’em! She is in my opinion a very dangerous candidate, because she still manages a 62 percent African American support.

  7. Akosua, youre correct, but, that IS our electoral system. That’s how these candidates get elected. Although I don’t care for Trump, he’s made that very plain, because he’s independently wealthy, and not reliant on the support of them. Bernie Sanders is following in the same vein of super pacs, but in time, he may have to change his Obama did.
    Here’s where I disagree. Congress writes the laws and controls the money. As long as congress remains majority republican, that means subject to lobbyists who bribe and corrupt, then a democratic president has severe limitations. Clinton nor Sanders may not face the level of obstruction and disrespect as Obama, but, they will meet opposition..especially Sanders. Clinton will have and use her willingness to compromise, Sanders, won’t, therefore, we could end up with 4-8 more years of no real progression, unless, WE, the people, step up and demand accountability..something we didn’t do for Obama.
    Black people were upset because Obama got things done for gays and Hispanics, yet never presented him with an agenda until now..his last year in office. In fairness, a lot of the delay was due to reluctance, because he was being so unfairly treated. Regardless, we should have pushed. However, in reality, him being black, ANY agenda that was pro black was going to face a LOT of scrutiny and forceful pushback.

    I’m not concerned about her connections, because the damage is done. Prison is just one of many methods used to constrain. The police have become militarized, making their ability to control the masses more effective. Ferguson was the first glimpse of that, therefore, prison reform has become necessary, not for moral reasons, but for costs. The increase in police deaths are due to them targeting us for genocide due to changing demographics. This generation is the first minority majority generation. The change they’re talking about that’s coming 10-20 years from now, has happened already. White people ARE NOT reproducing..not just here, globally. Some European countries are encouraging “sex vacations” just to get their numbers up. This is why there is so much pushback against abortion, and immigration. Whites are becoming extinct..Karma is upon them..

    Bill Clinton is a blue dog democrat from Arkansas, she, is not. He is a white man who compromised with other white men, she is a white woman that white men think is out of control. She worked WITH Obama. Bill didn’t want her too, but stepped aside because of what he did to her..and saw it as an opportunity for him to stay in the loop. They now have a chance to see the damage they’ve done..and fix it. It’s leverage that we can use to get what we want.

    I’m an independent. I’m going with whichever candidate can bring the best results. We can’t just rely on what they say, we must develop strategies that they can implement and be prepared to hold them to it. We didn’t listen when Obama said, I’m willing, I need your help. Every president isn’t willing, or held accountable.

  8. Largely, Debra, I agree with you. I am just not on this WOMAN thing. White people (including white women) enslaved us, dehumanized us, raped us, accused us, throw us in jail, and blame us. I think Hillary is just like all the other white women who partake in our exploitation. They are not innocent bystanders! Obama failed us. Why? We failed to see that his mum, who raised him, was actually a white woman. Now we should really put the white woman in charge? When is a real Black man going to be in charge? When is a Black woman gonna be in charge? White men and their white wives have been in charge all along. And as quickly as we gave Obama some chance, they want us to quickly go back to the old hegemony. Hillary does not birth Black kids, she birthed white kids, and white kids alone. Her allegiance is with those she can birth. Not Black kids. The lady cannot even say with her mouth that Bill Clinton was wrong. Riddle me that. She tells the Black Lives Matter movement to go figure out policies? Come on. We should figure out how to stop YOU from throwing us in jail every chance you get? Why don’t you just stop? Stop mass incarceration. To put the burden back on us to conjure solutions I think is extremely hypocritical and underscored the depth of her racist inclinations. Whites brutalize Blacks. We don’t brutalize whites? Or do we? So why do we have to find the solutions? Why can’t whites just stop it? But they won’t, so Hillary keeps pushing back like, hey, I am willing to work with you to find solutions. NO! NOOO! There is no solution to be found. YOU Hillary, YOU and your peoples, your Husband and co., need to stop this Mass Incarceration thing. Period. We don’t need congress? We don’t need a manifesto? It’s illegal, immoral and racist. So she needs to grow up! And for that matter, Bernie, Webb and Chafee. O’Malley, I am still not sure of the man but he used strong words to reiterate the problem in Black America – no jobs and over incarceration. All of which America has the means to resolve tomorrow. So when Hillary talks about us, that we need to come up with constructive policies, she turns Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in the grave. I get so pissed. And I am not even playing Debra!

  9. Plus, Debra Knox Tillman, this is what Hillary said on the debate: “But, I believe that the debate, and the discussion has to go further, Anderson, because we’ve got to do more about the lives of these children. That’s why I started off by saying we need to be committed to making it possible for EVERY child to live up to his or her god given potential.” Which equals – ALL LIVES MATTER. Not Black Lives Matter. I can’t stand this bitch.

  10. In addition Debra Knox Tillman, I don’t know two married people who don’t both believe in anything…

  11. This has been a very interesting discussion between you two and the conversation has been enlightening with very valid points. As for me, I decided in 2012 I would not vote for Hillary if she chose to run in 2016 and the reason is for the simple lie regarding she and her daughter dodging bullets from sniper fire as they were getting off a plane in Bosnia. That lie was too dramatic for me to comprehend. It was completely unnecessary and uncalled for. If she will lie about that she will lie about anything. Yes i know she’s not the only liar in the “bullpen” and yes i give her credit for being an extremely smart woman, however i do not see her having the ability to steer this country in the right direction. She could have expounded on the Blacklivesmatters concern and chose not to and that issue is a real problem in this country. So no, Hillary dies not have my vote. And I haven’t as of yet I have not decided who will.

  12. Ok, I wasn’t making my comments because I’m in favor of Hillary, I was merely making a statement based on my observations of her. I haven’t decided..but I tell you what, liar or not, I’ll vote for her, before I allow a republican to seal the trinity of president, congress, and supremes. You think mass incarceration was bad, let them get complete control.

    I get that you’re not a fan of Hillary, and that’s ok, but, I’m not a fan of ANY of the candidates..they ALL lie. It’s the nature of the beast, but you’re still going to have to engage. The president has limitations, it’s congress that we must focus on, but, we don’t. Congress has the control…NOT the president! Bernie Sanders is a politician just like she is. Look how he recoiled when approached by BLM..past history or not, and his crowds are majority white, that were appalled by BLM. Black people need to form an agenda and present it..then demand it.. If others can develop the strategies they want to see executed, why can’t black people? We can still organize and act to bring change..stop expecting them to fix it, we MUST find solutions if we want to live, and demand the words of Farrakhan, “or else”. BLM has been VERY effective..and I’m impressed and elated. This is the kind of strategies and actions I’m talking about. If Scooby Doo wants my vote, he’s got to be willing to do what I require, and if he doesn’t I will hold him accountable.

  13. I just watched an episode of Real Time with Bill Maher. He had Bernie Sanders and Laurence Lessig on. Laurence, is also a democratic candidate, but, because he’s campaigning on the single issue of campaign finance and had planned to resign, the DNC didn’t take him seriously, so he wasn’t allowed to debate. Bill asked Bernie some very targeted questions as to what policies he planned to implement, and he gave good answers, but Bill pointed out that even though Bernie likes to use Denmark as an example, America already has socialist programs such as Medicare/Medicaid, SOCIAL Security, unemployment, public utilities, etc, to which Bernie acknowledged. When Laurence came, he told Bill he asked the wrong questions, he should have asked him HOW he was going to get his policies implemented with a republican led, congress that was corrupted by lobbyists and campaign finances due to Citizens United. He said, unless we get rid of Citizens United, congress was frozen. Obama scolded the supremes for passing Citizens United. This is why I say that the presidential election is important, but congress is the real power, and should be the main focus of the black agenda.

    Akosua, you place a lot of emphasis on color, and that’s fine, but racism is a social construct used to divide, and is a trap we as black people need to get out of. Obama was raised by whites..that doesn’t make him anymore of a failure than the fact that he was abandoned by his black father, and all things considered, quite frankly, he’s doing good to still be alive. He didn’t do as much as he could because WE present an agenda, to hold congress accountable for its obstruction, and for failing to vote in the midterms loosing the house and 1/2 the states govenorships to republicans who gerrymandered their place for the next 10 years in 2010, and losing the Senate in 2012.

    When black people find and develop an electable leader, we can put them in the presidency, THATS why Obama ran, to PROVE it could be done. After seeing that it could, we should have been primed and ready with the next see we aren’t. My generation and those before me sacrificed..they organized, strategize do, gave blood and life so that I and my children could progress, but the generation of my children has dropped the ball, now they and their children are trying to pick it up, because it’s become evident that we’ve become frozen in progress. One of my favorite songs is called “Ain’t no stopping us now”. That should be the NEW Black national anthem, because we’ve lifted our voices and sang long enough.

    Although this doesn’t matter to me, Bill and Hillary both publically admitted that some of his policies like mass incarceration, welfare reform, NAFTA and repealing Glass/Stiegal did a lot of damage, and that he was wrong. But, they would have happened regardless in my opinion because they were part of Poppy Bushs 2nd term agenda. Also, Bernie nor Elizabeth Warren for that matter, has been entirely forthcoming about TPP. They KNEW it was illegal for Obama to discuss or reveal anything about the agreement while it was being negotiated and yet, they stoked all that opposition, also knowing that once it was finished, Obama has made it available for us to read online for 30 days, then, it goes to congress for another 30 days to debate whether or not to pass it, so, it’s not a done deal. Even if it’s a bad deal we still have time to stop it and say no, but Bernie isn’t saying that.

  14. Thank you so much for the information Deb!!! I’ve got so much research to do and I am going to have to make the time! This is the first time in all of my years of voting that I am baffled because I do not see any qualified candidates. There’s been a lot in the media lately about Bernie mentioning Sandra Bland’s name. Saying and doing is to different things. Most members of Congress and the Senate have been in their positions too long. It’s time to vote some of them out! There needs to be a time limit of how long they çan stay in office! Hope I don’t sound like I’m rambling….. I’m almost at a loss….

  15. I know what you mean. The deal is they’re politicians..they’re gonna say whatever to get elected. I prefer Bernie over Hillary, but I also know that Bernie isn’t going to be able to implement much of what he’s talking about with the congress we have. If Obama can’t, neither can Bernie nor Hillary for that matter and we have ourselves to blame for not voting in the midterms, not finding credible candidates, and not being engaged. I know we’re busy with our lives, but these people..our government electives and their policies, affect our lives..our ability to live them.

    We have a LOT of black organizations, and a lot of complaints, but we don’t have a lot of unity..our efforts are too scattered and unfocused. We have to do better..


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