How many Black lives has the US Racist Judicial system destroyed, and continues to destroy? How long will this terror on Black lives by white law enforcement continue?

An Alabama man has been freed after spending nearly 30 years on death row for absolutely no law enforcement reason.


Anthony Ray Hinton, 58, was wrongly convicted by a white controlled law enforcement of murdering two restaurant managers in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1985.

He was granted a new trial last year when the Attorney General’s Office reviewed the case and found no evidence whatsoever!

Bryan Stevenson and Mr Hinton in an Alabama Court still controlled by whites.
Bryan Stevenson and Mr Hinton in an Alabama Court still controlled by whites.

Cursory tests on bullets found at the crime scene show no link to a gun found at Mr Hinton’s home, prompting prosecutors to drop the case.

His lawyer, Bryan Stevenson, said his client was convicted because he could not afford better legal counsel in 1985.

Walking out of the Jefferson Country Jail in Birmingham, Mr Hinton hugged family members and said: “Thank you, God.”

“All they had to do was test the gun,” Mr Hinton said, explaining why he shouldn’t have had to sit on death row for nearly three decades.

Bullets from the crime scene were the only evidence that white prosecutors in Alabama in 1985 and until now claimed linked Mr Hinton to the murders.

But that was a lie. A fabrication!

30 years ago - Mr Hinton arrested for absolutely no law enforcement reason, except that white controlled Alabama felt like throwing him in jail.
30 years ago – Mr Hinton arrested for absolutely no law enforcement reason, except that white controlled Alabama felt like throwing him in jail.

The white prosecutors shoved that ‘modern forensic methods failed to link the bullets to a revolver found in Mr Hinton’s home’ as if any method is suppose to link bullets to Mr Hinton’s revolver.

The fact was, no forensic evidence in 1985 had linked any bullet to Mr Hinton’s gun. It was all a white law enforcement ploy to destroy yet another Black family.

“Every day, every month, every year that the state took from him, they took something that they don’t have the power to take,” said Mr Stevenson. But take they did anyway because the so-called US Federal government sit idly by, time after time when Black lives are pinned down and destroyed by white law enforcement.

At his first trial, Mr Hinton’s lawyer believed his client only had $1,000 (£670) to hire an expert that could defend against the prosecution’s allegations about the bullets.

The lawyer hired the only expert willing to take the job at that rate, and white jurors reportedly laughed as the expert struggled to answer questions during cross-examination.

The US Supreme Court ruled last year that Mr Hinton did not have adequate legal counsel at the first trial and said the case should be reconsidered at a second trial.

At least, Mr Hinton has finally received some freedom from America’s white oppression. Ray Hinton is freed after 30 years on Alabama death row.

But how many Black lives are still burdened with this terrorism every day of their lives and see no end in site?


  1. Yet another catastrophic story about white controlled America. It’s fascinating how the world stands idly by.


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