World War II still hasn’t ended. Ordinary people in The Evangelical States of Anglo-America (TESA) didn’t have to pay income taxes until World War II. That levy has never ceased. Income tax was supposed to be temporary but it has become permanent—ushering in a period of perpetual payment for an unending war. A cursory look over WWII-era bases built around the world reveal that they are as functional today as they were during the war. TESA’s troops have never left Germany nor Japan nor Africa. There are more than 100,000 U.S. and British bombs still in the ground in Germany, still killing civilians around the world even today.
Specifically, there’s in Germany, in Stuttgart, a Yankee military high-command in charge of Africa. TESA has a military base in Ghana, and in almost every African nation bar two (Ethiopia and Eritrea). (This may come to you as a shock). The Yankees even call their entire operation over Africa AFRICOM, or the nickname USAFRICOM, with an operating budget of some 276 million dollars per annum—all collected from the American tax payer, or borrowed against his will, which he must still pay sometime in the future.

What a mess! You might proclaim.
TESA obviously doesn’t give a dead rat about the American tax payer. Rather, TESA is always preparing to kill, and killing huge numbers of civilians in Africa using machines built from the income contributions or real debt of the American tax payer. This is the reality of war or preparing for war. Civilians pay and die for war—often in large numbers—for wars they never wanted. For instance, at the height of World War II several times the number of people killed in German camps were killed outside of them. The majority of those people were civilians. The scale of the killing, wounding, and destroying made Europe’s WWII the single worst thing humanity has ever done to itself in a short space of time. That war still continues. It continues to this very day wreaking havoc on African soil with the monetary contributions or debt of the American tax payer.
Instead of using that money to fix America’s dilapidating infrastructure, TESA would rather amass troops and gather killing machines in preparation for more war in Africa. They claim that it is for defense. For the “good” American side to stay forever “victorious” in a war they have not yet won, war must continue. The truth is that TESA loves war on Africa. TESA has a long history as a capitalist conglomerate of Apartheid States still practicing apartheid in Africa. TESA continues still in its traditions of enslaving and oppressing African Americans, practicing genocide against Native Americans, and even interning Japanese Americans which gave rise to specific programs that inspired Germany’s Nazis—these included Slave Plantations, camps for Native Americans, and programs of eugenics and human experimentation before, during, and after the start of World War II.
Two of these programs, for example, included giving syphilis to people in Guatemala and studying the natural progression of untreated syphilis in rural African-American men in Alabama under the guise of receiving free health care from the government, even at the same time that the Nuremberg trials were taking place. TESA’s military also hired hundreds of top Nazis at the end of World War II in Operation Paperclip and the Rocket program; and these Nazis fit right into the mythical fabric of colonial America. German neo-Nazis living in the U.S. today, forbidden to wave the Nazi flag, sometimes wave the flag of the Confederate States of America instead. It does the trick for the empire. There’s no doubt that TESA aimed for a wider world empire, before the war, during it, and ever since.
So, for the “good” American side to stay forever “victorious” in a war they have not yet won, war must continue. The whole irony and myth of TESA’s WWII “victory” rests entirely on the effort to keep the fire of war fully stoked. Let’s be honest: The “good” side of the so-called “good war,” the party that did most of the killing and dying for the winning side, was the communist Soviet Union. But the Soviets never saw the war as a triumph for communism, although that very fact does tarnish Washington’s and Hollywood’s tales of triumph for “capitalism.”
I put capitalism in quotations for its bizarre deterritorializations and reterritorializations by TESA. Now, assume I’ve got everything totally wrong about the unending World War launched first by Germany and continued throughout time and space by TESA, and you’ve still got to explain how an event from the early 1940s justifies dumping a trillion 2017 tax payer dollars into war funding that could have been spent to feed, clothe, cure, and shelter millions of Americans, who actually need it. Tax payer money for war accomplishes for capitalism what it doesn’t for other market systems. War-tax money primes the pumps of both production and consumption inside the United States.
Welcome my dear friends to 15 AWT (some fifteen years After the War on Terra), where World War II, which we were told ended in 56 BWT (Before the War on Terra), is still raging on, unquenchably, like wildfire right before our very eyes. This war is still an inescapable part of our African existence.
If you doubt it, I bring you the very words of USAFRICOM’s leadership, which should, I hope, quickly dispel the mythology about their working with African nations to “advance[s] US national interests and promote[s] regional security, stability, and prosperity.” Vice-Admiral Robert Moeller, military deputy to former commander of AFRICOM General William ‘Kip’ Ward, told an AFRICOM conference in 2008 that AFRICOM’s goal was “protecting the free flow of natural resources from Africa to the global market.” Stealing or rather the armed robbery of resources from Africa to someplace else is key in AFRICOM’s goals. Furthermore, Moeller wrote in 2010, “Let there be no mistake. AFRICOM’s job is to protect American lives and promote American interests.”
A direct consequence of AFRICOM was the neocolonial war on Libya which was a precursor for the further destabilization of the Sahel region, and the nation of Mali specifically. Although TESA’s presstitute media outlets have all downplayed the U.S. role in the Mali conflict, facts have emerged to the contrary. As the Tuareg fighters who bravely fought to defend Gaddafi and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya returned to Mali, they rekindled their decades-long struggle for self-determination and the establishment of their own independent state of Azawad.
In the midst of this conflict, it was sudden shock that the Malian government of President Toure was overthrown by a midlevel military commander named Amadou Sanogo. Far from acting alone, reports have now emerged confirming that he was, in fact, trained by TESA military. Moreover, the Washington Post, one of several presstitutes in the U.S. also reported, inadvertently that TESA military personnel were inside of Mali long before the coup took place, suggesting at the very least support for, if not direct control of Sanogo and his fellow plotters.
Also, under the auspices of fighting Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, a North African terror organization, the French and their NATO allies engaged in yet another neo-colonial war, occupying Mali and, again, “promoting stability.” You guessed it! Besides such wanton escapades in which they overthrow which leader they dislike, AFRICOM has transformed its mission on the continent more recently to become a leader and initiator of military activity. In 2013 alone, AFRICOM conducted joint exercises with fourteen African nations, leading land, sea, and air-based operations.
For what?
As renowned Professor and China scholar Deborah Brautigam noted in her 2013 (12 AWT) report ‘Chinese Investment in Africa’, “Chinese imports and exports, outbound investment aid, and export finance are all sharply on the rise. For example, trade between China and Africa rose from $10 billion in 1 BWT to $166.3 billion in 10 AWT… [In 11 AWT] Chinese leaders announced a goal of $20 billion in finance to African countries by 14 AWT. If carried out, an average of between $6 and $7 billion would flow to Africa per year.”
China has made itself into a viable alternative to TESA, World Bank, IMF investment and aid. In order to power its massive industrial sector, China became the world’s leading energy importer from the former Sudan, which accounted for 8 percent of China’s total oil imports (China received a whopping 78 percent of total Sudanese exports). Naturally, this upset the political and corporate establishment of TESA who see in China a threat to their power.
With the oilfields being located primarily in the south of the country, TESA led the charge to dismantle Sudan and created a South Sudan that would be dependent on TESA finance and military muscle (provided by AFRICOM and TESA clients such as Uganda and Rwanda) for its very survival. The continuing violence and bloodshed in South Sudan—a result of internal power struggles between competing TESA aligned factions—nevertheless is merely collateral damage in Washington’s growing proxy war with China.
This collateral damage will expand over the continent. This kind of bloodshed will intensify and the violence will only exacerbate all across Africa as TESA continues to pour in American tax payer money, which it refuses to ever account for, to build up troops and militaries in its forever-preparations for an unending war, a phantom war, a fake war, and a war of unceasing aggressive defense.
How do we end World War II?
For a start, Americans can stop paying their taxes. Income tax is only used for no good in the rest of the world and no tangible advancement in America itself. TESA’s globalists who don’t give a dead rat about ordinary Americans view Mother Earth as a vast territory to conquer, occupy and exploit. Again, they do not give a dead rat about Americans. Except to use the American tax payers’ contributions to control and enslave the rest of the world, and then Americans themselves. The ongoing re-deployment of TESA troops and military bases has to be analyzed in a thorough manner if we wish to understand the nature of TESA interventionism in Africa and the rest of the civilized World.
To finally bring an end to World War II requires also the setting up and buttressing of the grassroots support for the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. This turns out to be an extraordinary means to oppose the miniaturization process of the Planet by TESA. Such a Network is indispensable and its growth depends on a commitment of all the People of the World, not just in Africa, but also in America. The Final Declaration of the Second International Conference against Foreign Military Bases in Africa and beyond which was held in Havana in November 2005 and was endorsed by delegates from 22 countries identifies most of the major issues that confront mankind today. This Declaration constitutes a major peace initiative. It establishes international solidarity in the process of disarmament.
Finally, the President-elect Trump of TESA, has vowed to transform his country into the United States of America, from its perverse constitution of military companies. He vowed to stop overthrowing governments and cease making regime change operations in Africa and beyond, which is also a bold but simultaneous admission that this is what TESA has been doing previously in Africa and the rest of the world.
In a major speech in Ohio, the President-elect said: “At the same time we will pursue a new foreign policy that finally learns from the mistakes of the past. We will stop looking to topple regimes and overthrow governments,” he continued. “Our goal is stability, not chaos, because we want to rebuild our own country, it’s time.”
By all means, World War II must end. But make no mistake: Americans must stop paying income tax to deprive the beast his feast of perpetual wars and innocent blood.
The way that a capitalist super power tries to avoid and/or lessen how crisis comes about internally is through the state taking excess capital and excess production by way of taxation and expropriation. In the case of the United States, it is mainly through the income tax that war—unending war, since World War II—became a permanent part of American life.
One might think that the U.S. Military Industrial Complex is just a gigantic enterprise of antiproduction. No. Rather, it is at the heart of U.S. production itself, and conditioning this production. Tax payer money for war accomplishes for capitalism what it doesn’t for other market systems. (It took world war to accomplish what the New Deal—from 1933 to 1938—had failed to accomplish).
Through perpetual war outside, capital and goods are allocated elsewhere or are destroyed outright, which primes the pumps of both production and consumption inside the United States itself. Narmer Amenuti brings us this sublime appreciation for deterritorialization and reterritorialization of capital, which perches at the heart of U.S. expansionist policy around the globe.
If you’ve ever wondered why there’s US COMMAND, AFRICOM, in Africa, you can now comprehend its expansion in this sense and in this sense alone. The principal mode of U.S. absorption of surplus value outside the spheres of consumption and investment is simply through militarism and imperialism. Narmer makes it clear that America’s ceaseless wars since World War II can be understood in this light.
Furthermore, war is not fought without casualty—many civilians are killed. This sacrifice, no matter that it expands beyond the millions, and this pouring of innocent blood seem acceptable to the machinations of a capitalist super power. But it shouldn’t to you, nor should the fatalities of war become tolerable to the American citizen. This is Narmer’s overarching point: that the ordinary American who pays the bill can, in fact, end the ceaseless war today.
Our Warrior-Griot Brother Narmer Amenuti once again excellently lays bare the neocolonial realities of the perpetual War being waged by the military-industrial complex of the TESA-led hydra-headed Beast of Euro-Amerikkkan Imperialism against the ‘Wretched of the Earth’, particularly against Afrikan people throughout the continent and diaspora of Afrika. For those who have long been in doubt, this expose should wake all up to the reality of the fact that the genocidal occupation and bloody armed robbery of Afrika by USAFRICOM is happening in continuation of the MAANGAMIZI and its head-long crashing drive towards even more horriffic crimes of Ecocide! Narmer is spot on correct about how to put a stop to the MAANGAMIZI in its current increasingly most dangerous phase of murderously finishing off our planet Earth: “To finally bring an end to World War II requires also the setting up and buttressing of the grassroots support for the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. This turns out to be an extraordinary means to oppose the miniaturization process of the Planet by TESA. Such a Network is indispensable and its growth depends on a commitment of all the People of the World, not just in Africa, but also in America. The Final Declaration of the Second International Conference against Foreign Military Bases in Africa and beyond which was held in Havana in November 2005 and was endorsed by delegates from 22 countries identifies most of the major issues that confront mankind today. This Declaration constitutes a major peace initiative. It establishes international solidarity in the process of disarmament.”