It was a deadly virus, unusual for its type. It was an economic virus that replicated so quickly that even the experts were confounded. Where did it come from? Wither it goes?

It took over the host multinationals, wresting control from them. Finally, the experts found the answer to the riddle of the economic virus. The story now begins below. It started from an old idea by a Prussian military strategist and a new idea by a Russian politician and thinker.

β€œWar is a continuation of Politics by other means” said the German military strategist Carl Von Clausevitz. We will build our idea around the theme, Economics is a continuation of Politics by other means.

The rapidly changing international geopolitics in Ukraine has spawned a new term β€œnon linear warfare”. This is a term that appears in a short story β€œWithout the Sky” by Vladislav Surkov one of Putin’s most trusted lieutenants. The story appears here in the online Russian magazine Russian Pioneer.

Surkov writes, β€œIt was the first non linear war, it was a clash of four coalitions, it was not two against two or three against one, it was all against all”.

The concept of Non Linear Wars present Africa with a powerful geopolitical tool to regain control over its resources. It allows Africa to deploy a devastating economic virus against the multinationals that have come to control her resources for the past two centuries and counting.

We remind the readers of the current geoeconomic situation in Africa. Africa’s natural resources are controlled by western multinationals. The control is near total, to the extent that Zambia only gets 0.3 percent of the share of production of her copper.

Ghana gets under 10 percent of the share of production of her natural resources. This leads to the burring question, what can be done to regain control over the natural resources in Africa by the people and for the people?

We introduce a solution that we will call Non Linear Economic Warfare. We will operationalize a sequence of strategies in this new kind of warfare. But first, let us turn our attention to the indigenous communities who live on the lands and on the seas beyond the lands where these resources are mined and drilled.

The traditional states and communities that own those lands which are their Ancestral Lands preceded the modern nation state in Africa. Hence by their occupancy of those territories, their rights come first. They owned the resources on those lands hundreds and thousands of years before the modern post-colonial nation state construct came into existence in Africa.

This means that those resources in the lands or territorial waters owned by these traditional communities belong properly to them. This right of ownership gives them equity in any program or process to develop these resources. The equity as the rightful owners of these resources should be no less than 60 percent.

The problem today is that, western multinationals control more than 80 percent equity in those resources, a terrible travesty and an economic injustice. An attempt by the government to reverse the ownership dynamics could lead to legal and judgment debts against the government. It would also be seen as strong arm government tactics which could be bad for the reputation of the government.

Hence the need for non linear economic warfare and the deployment of an economic virus. The operational strategies of non linear economic warfare in this case are as follows.

The local traditional authorities with the support and expertise of the state should set up development agencies mandated by law to manage and control investments made by the communities. The local traditional communities will own these development agencies.

Professionals should be brought in to train activists in the local community in sophisticated social media techniques, organization ability and benign agitation to raise the consciousness of the local people to the historical injustices in resource ownership on their ancestral lands. The key idea is, this should be directed and viewed as a grassroots movement by the common people.

The local activists will then organize the people to peacefully disrupt operations at the mines, refineries and production centers of the multinational companies.They will make demands that they have been cheated for far too long and want back control over the resources on their Ancestral Lands.

Any attempt by the multinationals to co-opt the state to intervene and crush the grassroots protest should be forcefully rejected as a gross violation of the rights of ordinary people in a democratic state to demand a fair share of their own resources.

Social and traditional media should be skillfully deployed by the local activists acting as the engine of the grassroots movement to force the companies to make concessions. The media campaign should be structured and viewed as a tired, poor and cheated David of the local communities against the greedy Goliath of the multinational company.

In a Pikettian world of high inequality, that should resonate with the public opinion around the world and draw public opinion to the side of the common people. We remember, no one likes the one-percentocrats controlling the resources and the wealth.

As the media campaign ramps up globally and constant physical peaceful demonstrations by the local people heats up and affects production, they can then make their demands that they want 60 percent of the resource production as their share , being generous and understanding of the investment costs and risks of the company, they will allow the company to have not more than 40 percent of the share of production.

In this people’s movement, the Government will act as the wise old Zen master and state studiously that the free will of the people who are the owners of the lands and waters beyond the lands is an expression of real democracy and that she will respect the will and the decision of the local traditional communities.

The multinationals stymied by the media campaign and the peaceful stoppage of production processes and a damage to their corporate brand will be forced to accede to the will of the traditional communities as the worse alternative will be violence, a radicalized local population hostile to their continued exploitation, and a zero to no production.

We remember the Niger delta of Nigeria as the worst alternative. In fact 40 percent or less ownership is a very generous concession by the local people. In Norway and many other countries, foreign firms investing in the natural resource sector do not get more than 40 percent for the most part.

In fact in a World Bank report of 2012 entitled β€œRents to Riches”, it states that there is a growing global consensus that regards citizens as the ultimate owners of natural resources. This growing global consensus has created the right atmosphere where non linear economic warfare will work.

Once the local communities gain back control over their resources through their development agencies, nothing prevents them from allowing the government an equity share to help develop the country and region as a whole. These actions replicating as an economic virus will spread throughout a country and over the continent to wrest back control of Africa’s resources.

These are the opening salvos, the sequence of steps in a new war of the 21’st century, non linear economic war, to regain control over African resources.

And as Vladislav Surkov finished in his short story, β€œWe will engage tomorrow, we will win or we will die, there is no third way”.

In the non linear economic war to regain control over Africa’s resources to provide the capital for the transformation of the continent, there is no third way, tomorrow we will engage.


  1. I was very interested to read you theory and after reading I am glad I did. The fact that Zambia is only entitled to 3 percent of its copper and Ghana 10 percent of its resources is astonishing. Even in America, possession is 9/10ths of the law so why not does possession of the resources belong to those who own the land? Once again the world profits off of the backs of Africans. But with this non linear economic warfare, we will see change. Soon my friends.

    • Change how? If history is my teacher, it tells me that to get the masses to rise against the controllers is a difficult feat to master simply because the masses are idiots. And the author didn’t say that Zambia gets 3 percent. It gets 0.3 percent. I don’t know any smart people who will say says I’ll give you 970 of my chickens and I will only take 3. That’s where I disagree with most because problem is not with the foreign multinationals who are only looking out for their best interests. The problem is with the Africans who are blind to their best interests even when the riches of the world are right beneath their feet.

      • Well, its more like the foreigner takes 977 chickens from your own coop and leaves 3. The president takes 1. The Vice president takes 1 and the parliamentarian takes .5, the chief 0.5.
        The people, whose ancestors toiled and died for these lands get nothing.

        This is the problem with democracy and the relinquishing of such expansive amounts of power to say a Mahama of Ghana, a northerner, who knows nothing about Ghana’s Asante ancestral lands.
        So of course he will give it away to white people. Of course he will sell it. For after all, it wasn’t his ancestors who died for it?

        The problem is not the people. They are not idiots. They have just been oppressed for so long. They are not the ones giving 977 of their hens away? It’s Mahama, it was Kufour, it was Mills, it perhaps even JJ.

        And what should the locals do? Fight who? When the army in Ghana for example imports US, EU and Russian guns to subdue uprising. Who fights who? Will you fight and kill your own?

        The Western educated Africa is the problem. Before we had them, our leaders negotiated on equal footing with the Europeans. now, they bully us and you ask why? Western Education for you!

      • Guys, they take 997 and we get 3! if we don’t start doing the maths well, they will continue to cheat us. LOL.
        But Yesu! You guys are intelligent! No doubt.

  2. Great picture! It reminds me of parasites leeching off of their hosts–which is exactly what is happening here in the case of the multinationals leeching off of African ancestral lands!

  3. The picture you show can be interpreted in two ways –

    1. Africa has collapsed (the tank is lying prostate). And it will take the EU, the US, China, Russia and all to give it their little fuels, but vital, to revive it. What you see in that picture is a revival.

    2. What you see in that picture is not a revival. The US, the EU, China and Russia are not feeding the helpless African tank to help it get up. They are rather sucking the life out of it.

    This is esthetics. I love esthetics, and this picture my friends tells a lot of stories about Africa’s relationship with the rest of the world.

    The more you know!

    • My dear friend. Your first esthetics view is flawed.

      Yes Africa may have collapsed as shown in the picture. But it is being exploited.

      There’s no way any civilized people will be feeding a tank in that posture. If the US, EU, Russia and China want to help, they would bring with them a lift to put the African tank on its feet (tires). You don’t see a machine in the picture that is ready to do that. They must be sucking Africa dry. That is the only logical conclusion.

      Again, the esthetics, I agree, are important. That explanation that these foreigners are here in Africa to help is definitely how some fools read this picture. I am glad you bring attention to it.

      There’s hope though. There’s a third way to read this esthetic. Africa, like a Lioness, is now busy milking its weak cubs. When it is done, it will wake up! And if she realizes that these cubs have sold her birth right, then we’ll know what this Lioness (Africa) is made of after all.

      But for now, we wait. Wait, we shall. We shall be patient, learning from our Tiger friends of Asia, and like the Tiger in the bush, just waiting for the right time to prowl and pounce.


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