Home MEDIA TV Urban Noir TV Series ‘Red Sleep’ Debuts This Fall

Urban Noir TV Series ‘Red Sleep’ Debuts This Fall

The new urban-noir TV series Red Sleep premieres this fall.

An escaped prison inmate makes a deal with a U.S. military drug experiment in exchange for his freedom. After taking on a new identity in Los Angeles, the side effects from the drug and his past catch up with him.

Written and directed by Andre Welsh, the series intends to be more than just another piece of action-packed entertainment.

The series displays a sociological bent, touching on topics like America’s long history of medical experimentation on prison inmates and the pharmaceutical/military industrial complex – a little something to capture your intellectual attention.

Director/Writer: Andre Welsh
Stars: Chioke Jelani Clanton (Cuff Me if You Can), Ron Kaell (Trauma), Jessica Sonneborn (House Across the Street), Don Stark (That 70’s Show)
With: Jessica Roth, Ahku, Mitch Costanza, Jenny Pellicer, Leanne Wilson, Tobias Mehler, Phillip Jeanmarie, Aaron Massey, Ryan McCann, Jo-Anne Krupa, Michael Coons, Kyle Koromaldi.
Production: Malicious Productions


  1. The lighting here is fantastic. I hope the touch on America’s Medical Apartheid and Experimentation on Black folks is sophisticated enough to underscore all the nuances needed to understanding the monstrosities of the past and present. I look forward to hearing more about the pharmaceutical/military industrial complex in its most raw manifestation on the atrocities of innocent blacks in America.

  2. A much needed dialogue that also needs to be had in the wake of the Trayvon Martin killing/murdering. I hope this TV series throws some more light on the carnage that African American man suffer here in the State. The medical exploitation/apartheid is widespread and that exploitation must also be confronted in more ways than one. Glad Andre is tackling this from his angle too. Maybe one day we will make the world a little better.


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