Education is the system for civilizing individuals from childhood, and by which a civilization is achieved and maintained. It is only through constant education that a child is trained to grow up and behave like a civilized being. No one is born civilized. The village makes civilized people. Leave children long enough without a proper education and they will grow up mating with goats without any moral duress.
The Mis-Educated Than His Ancestors, the Metha, is not aware of many of these things. One of the most fundamental things he’s unaware of is his own education, and the education of his own children. The Metha is the only species on the planet that his parents abandoned to a colonial missionary school system—a European terrorism outfit in Africa. The Metha is the only one who abandons his children to a colonial educational system in the name of advancing his or her own career.
The result is that the Metha is an African (in looks), yet a colonial terrorist. Often the more advanced his various degrees, the more polished and sophisticated his tools of terrorism. He wields knowledge more suited to terrorizing Africa than his cousin next door who never stepped a foot in the colonial classroom, and who never submitted to any discipline in the village. Both are stupid—one believes himself an intellectual, yet idiot—and they both do not seem to worry about their mis-education or lack thereof. The Metha wields knowledge more suited to terrorizing Africa than to advancing the various civilizations of Africa.
The result, I would repeat, is that we have an educational system in Ghana for instance, that specializes in training our children to be better suited to certain civilizations in Europe than to properly function as custodians of our civilizations here in Africa. How can we expect a man mis-educated within a system of terrorism, plunder and rape to rise up to protect and maintain the very things he’s now paid to bastardize. You ask this man to read and write his own language, or to come up with a common language, and he becomes immediately angry like a barbarian. The very idea grinds against his colonial mis-education.
I am unable to exhaust the vast numbers of the consequences we suffer for harboring the Metha in our midst. However, one more result is that the Metha cannot work with the people of his own village to accomplish anything. What else to expect of the man who’s mis-educated to prey on the very people he purports to lead? Lead where?
One Metha summed it up to his own cartel of students who he is putting under his Euro-American colonial training, and I shall never forget it. He proclaimed to his hoard of new terrorists in training: Let us become the “group of Africans who choose to collaborate with the world.” What the Metha understands very well in his mind is that the “world” is European. Nothing else.
How can European terrorists train the very custodians of a civilization they are here to terrorize, plunder and rape? More specifically, how can we continue to train and mis-educate our own children in the image of our colonial terrorists? How?
(Image: The Metha has put his own men to work for his colonial terrorists in ways that ultimately destroy the very environment in which this Metha lives. The Metha is a Kamikaze intellectual, designed to destroy everything about African civilizations and to also self-destruct upon impact on African lands and people.)
All I needed to know at the very end: “The Metha is a Kamikaze intellectual, designed to destroy everything about African civilizations and to also self-destruct upon impact on African lands and people.” How apt!