The Alchemical Texts of Ancient Egypt are often misunderstood to literally mean the transmutation, through very harsh processes, of base metals into gold. For example the transmutation of lead into gold. Since this has been physically impossible to acheive, Alchemy has remained a mythological subject in the eyes of those who cared to look.

However, if one can suspend the literal reading of the texts then one can imagine a metaphysical or spiritual interpretation. Which is, that any life itself is transmutable, or that life is capable of transformation, from something mundane to something very special, albeit, through the application of a harsh process that is commensurate with the objective uniqueness of the target product which is desired.

If you want to become like the greatest surgeon, Ben Carson, or you dream to catch up with Simone Biles, the greatest gymnast, that transformation is not impossible. Yet, the nature of the processes for that transformation or transmutation remain the difficult choice and self-sacrifice needed to achieve such lofty goals.

In fact, a wise person always ought to attempt to beat the same paths trodden by greater people or to imitate the deeds of those who have been supreme. It is not necessarily that one should become as great as the greatest, but that in the sincere attempt to imitate something that is greater—even if our abilities do not match the great people—that we avail ourselves to the harsh processes of our own transmutation.

It is the same for the clever archer who designs his aim to hit the mark which appears far too distant, and yet knowing the limits of his bow and arrow, he takes aim much higher than the mark, not to reach so great a height, but to be able with the aid of so high an aim to hit the mark he wishes to reach.

Alchemy is, in fact, a metaphor for the wise man and the clever archer. It is not necessarily a text about turning iron into gold, although that part can be appreciated. It is a metaphor for the discipline and the harshness of processes required to force a transformation of something basic into something special. This is the natural law of the universe.

Tswa Omany Aba.

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