Image: Taking Action. Gaining a sense of urgency and agency involves an embrace of your genetic makeup! But alas, for the Metha this point is mute.
Image: Taking Action. Gaining a sense of urgency and agency involves an embrace of your genetic makeup! But alas, for the Metha this point is mute.

Everywhere else, doers or those who commit to doing real things, like moving mountains, have figured out that Genetic or Ancestral or Historical Orientation, is at the least, an integral component of any decision-making.

Yet, the More-Educated Than His Ancestors, the Metha, has been colonially indoctrinated to find his own History as primitive; to find his ancestry as backwards; and his Africanness/Blackness as a thing to be discarded. The Metha believes that we are all human and so his Africanness should not matter or factor into how he thinks and into what he does.

This is supreme stupidity, and it is the recipe for supreme disasters. Of course! It is not uncharacteristic of the Metha, because of his mis-education by European pirates and colonial terrorists, but it strikes at the Metha’s own inhumanity to think that to be human means to discard the source of his own humanity.


(Image: Taking Action. Gaining a sense of urgency and agency involves an embrace of your genetic makeup! But alas.)

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