It’s been viewed over 27,763,099 times on YouTube since it was uploaded a month ago. And over 51,365 people gave it a thumbs down. Several YouTube viewers reacted.

Worst song I’ve ever heard.

That was the longest four minutes of my life.

Were the lyrics for this song stolen from a 1st grader?

Girl, even Kim Kardashian sings better than you.

Take a listen and share your thoughts!


  1. Worst song ever?? I love this song! Check out this rap songs – Halle Berry and Becky. This is the future of music – that we can bring ourselves to singing about anything we please.

  2. Hilarious at least. LOL. And I thought some rap was bad. I prefer to listen to the worst rap songs like Halle Berry.

    • Hi Hoj, thanks for the compliment. I hope you will continue to come here and find more interesting stuff to read. We hope to keep you tuned in and impressed.


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